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Viber Chatbot and Its Diverse Uses for Your Business

Viber chatbot
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    Viber is currently among the top three messaging apps in the world, in terms of user base and popularity. For businesses, it is a great tool to connect with their customers and improve communication internationally or locally. 

    Apart from tons of chatting features, Viber also ensures end-to-end encryption for messages which makes it perhaps the most secure chatting platform in the world. When you add a chatbot to it, customer engagement becomes easier for enterprises as they can automate responses to conversations.   

    In addition, using a Viber Chatbot makes it simple to connect with users across their preferred channel, put customer support on auto-pilot and turn visitors into loyal buyers. More so, a bot helps you serve customers at every stage of the journey and deliver value to them. 

    In this blog, we will discuss the value of chatbot Viber and the power of an artificial intelligence tool in transforming a business in a true sense. 

    What is Viber Chatbot?

    Viber is one of the most widely used messaging apps in the world. Businesses use it to engage with their customers and serve them all. By adding a bot, this platform could be made even more powerful and customer-friendly. This is exactly how a Viber chatbot works.   

    It combines the features of Viber and artificial intelligence together to ensure the automation of customer service tasks. Thanks to the Viber Chatbot, a business can improve customer engagement drastically and stay available round the clock for its audience. 

    Benefits of Using a Chatbot for Viber   

    Viber is a great platform for engagement. And when a chatbot is added to it, both customers, as well as businesses, find it incredibly easy to engage with one another. A Viber Chatbot not only helps in customer service but can also prove beneficial in other aspects be it marketing, sales, or conversion. 


    There are many benefits of using a chatbot for Viber.  

    • Improved Customer Engagement – Your business can handle customer communication seamlessly with chatbot Viber, automate repetitive tasks, stay available all the time and ensure a queue-free engagement.  
    • Better Customer Support – Viber Chatbot can help you provide customer support by interacting with customers directly, solving their problems instantly, and improving the response time with personalized messages.
    • 24×7 Availability – You can make round-the-clock support a reality for customers, fix their issues any time of the day, neutralize the impact of time zones, and ensure value as and when needed.  
    • Quick and Instant Responses – Using a chatbot gives you the opportunity to deliver prompt replies to queries across Viber messaging channel, reduce the wait time and boost customers’ satisfaction level with your brand. 

    7 Ways to Use Viber Chatbot to Grow Your Business   

    Every business should strive to connect with their customers on their favorite messaging channel. This not only makes communication smooth but also enhances the engagement quotient. Plus, it can ensure awesome support. This is why using the Viber chatbot can bring amazing values across areas be it sales, support, or marketing. 


    You can use the Viber chatbot to grow your business in many different ways. 


    1. Seamless Customer Communication  

    On Viber messaging app, some 70 million interactions happen in an hour. People just love this platform and its features to engage with one another. 

    And if you’re a business, chances are you may also be using it to engage with your audience. A lot of brands rely on Viber to engage, interact and convert users into loyal customers. 

    However, not all companies ace their customer communication on Viber as most of them still don’t use a chatbot.

    You can easily better engage with your audience on Viber if you add a chatbot to this platform. 


    By using a chatbot for Viber, you can – 

    • Handle communication seamlessly by removing the hassles of the queue for customers  
    • Connect with the audience as per their convenience and time preference  
    • Interact with users directly and improve the response time 

    Naturally, a chatbot gives you the flexibility to serve customers on their own terms which ensures an improved experience with your brand. 

    2. Omnichannel Support 

    Adopting an omnichannel strategy can help you achieve 91% greater year-over-year customer retention. And a chatbot is key to that meeting that goal.  

    Your Viber chatbot helps you implement omnichannel messaging across channels and do smooth interactions with customers. This way you can streamline all conversations across channels and deliver a seamless consistent experience.

    More importantly, AI-powered chatbots that allow omnichannel messaging support can help brands understand the interests and preferences of customers. They can help agents leverage past interactions to drive future conversations with customers. 


    With omnichannel messaging support features, you can –   

    • Launch the bot across channels quickly without the need to do the integrations manually.
    • Spare your customers the inconvenience of repeating questions as contextual support can be provided using relevant details. 

    Thanks to omnichannel support, you can always be available for customers in their desired manner, anywhere, and anytime.       

    3. Personalized Offers 

    Customers love personalization. It makes them feel good about engaging with the brand. In fact, 71% prefer personalized ads. 

    By using an artificial intelligence Viber Chatbot, you can quickly adopt personalization and then ensure customized experiences for users. An AI bot not only helps you personalize the experiences but also ensures relevant offers to customers. 

    The bot can leverage the user data automatically and then use it to customize the experience. More so, you can personalize customer experience based on key information such as name, gender, location, browsing history, past purchases, etc.


    To personalize the offers for customers, you need to –   

    • Program your bot in a way that it can start conversations with Viber users and get relevant details.
    • Use chatbot surveys to better understand customer expectations and then utilize the information to present customized offers.   

    Thanks to the chatbot for Viber, you can get in touch with customers directly and answer their questions with personalized messages. 

    4. Customer Service Automation

    Prompt customer service means happy customers. It also means good experiences which result in long-term loyalty.

    Sadly, most businesses are not able to live up to customers’ expectations in terms of service. This could be due to two reasons – first, either the agents are overworked or there is a lack of a proper system in place to speed up service.


    A chatbot could fix bot the issues. In fact, a Viber Chatbot can be a great tool to adopt customer service automation. And when service is automated, you can respond quickly, and that too without human interaction.  

    • Customer service automation can help your business in many ways – 
    • You can now deliver prompt replies to routine questions of customers.
    •   You can save your service reps the hassles of answering each question. 
    •   You can handle those customers successfully who prefer self-service instead of human agents. 

    So, a chatbot for Viber can be a great tool to implement automated customer service and transform the meaning of support.  

    5. Customer Analytics 

    For a business, it’s extremely important to gain insights into customer behavior to provide better engagement. If there is no insight, how could you greet customers with personalized messages? 

    Due to a lack of data, no business can engage customers in meaningful conversations which can adversely impact conversions.

    Viber chatbot can prove an excellent tool to track purchasing patterns and analyze consumers’ behaviors by monitoring user data. In addition, a bot can help collect feedback through simple questions which can be used to improve products or experiences. 

    A Viber chatbot can be used in various different ways to gain consumer data –   

    • You can create customer profiles by collecting key information like name, contact details, etc.
    • The customer profile can be used to send regular and timely push notifications.  
    • A bot can help suggest relevant content or offer customers product details. 

    With so many customers to track on Viber, a bot could be your ally to know each one of them better and then personalize the offer. 

    6.  Team Performance Measurement  

    Customer support metrics and KPIs are always key as they give an understanding of how the support team interacts with customers. And if you could measure your team performance, you’d find it easy to know the areas where some improvement is needed. 

    The good thing, you can measure your customer conversations across Viber messaging app channel and it would be quite helpful to measure the team performance. 

    When you use the Viber Chatbot for support purposes, you get solid data analytics of the way customers interact with your brand. It can also help you understand how the team is handling the service requests.

    A chatbot for Viber can help you track these two popular metrics – 

    • You could understand the retention rate where the bot can record the percentage of users who return to interact within a specific period of time.
    • You can also know the satisfaction score with bot conversation which is always a great metric to analyze the utility of the bot.  

    More importantly, support metrics can give a peek into how happy your customers are with your service. It also gives insights into customer satisfaction scores.  

    7. Real-time Customer Feedback 

    Most customers won’t give you feedback. They often don’t like filling up feedback forms or answering questionnaires. 

    In such situations, how would you know whether or not customers are satisfied with your products and services? Or, how would you make Viber customers give feedback? After all, feedback is important and you can escape it. 


    Well, the chatbot could be the solution.   

    When you implement a Viber Chatbot, the entire feedback process becomes interactive, quick, and easy. Plus, an AI bot can get you real-time feedback whether you need it at the end of the chat conversation or at the time of product purchase.

    In a way, the chatbot for Viber can prove crucial for collecting feedback at any stage of your customer’s journey.

    The bot can be used to collect the preliminary information, and then you can connect the user to the right support representative. 

    And once you have the feedback, it’s always easy to bring about the changes to your products or services and ensure better experiences for customers. 

    Serve Your Customers Better with REVE’s Viber Chatbot 

    Engaging with Viber users is now easier than earlier thanks to the emergence of artificial intelligence chatbots. 

    You can use the bot to connect with customers on their preferred messaging app, respond to their queries quickly, and guide them through problems without any human intervention.

    Viber Chatbot from REVE can help you respond to customers instantly and engage them better. 

    Our AI chatbot is rich in features, powered by new-age ML technology, and can handle every day chats with ease.

    More importantly, you can use the bot in combination with live chat software or other engagement tools such as video software or co-browsing tool and achieve a new dimension in engagement.  

    Engage Viber Customers More Effectively with REVE Chatbot  

    Viber is a great messaging platform with lots of potential for any business. And if you have the right tools, you can engage customers better there and boost your prospects.

    With REVE Chat, you find a range of engagement tools to support customer service and ensure engagement at each stage of the journey.

    You can start a free trial of our AI chatbot and see how it could change the way you interact with users.

    Start using REVE Chat now!

    Start a 14-day free trial, no credit card required

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    Praveen Singh

    Praveen Singh is a content marketer, blogger, and professional with 15 years of passion for ideas, stats, and insights into customers. An MBA Graduate in marketing and a researcher by disposition, he has a knack for everything related to customer engagement and customer happiness.

    As a writer and analyst, he pours the heart out on a blog that is informative, detailed, and often digs deep into the heart of customer psychology. He’s written extensively on a range of topics including, marketing, AI chatbots, omnichannel messaging platforms, and many more.

    Mr. Singh also has a passion for subjects that excite new-age customers, be it social media engagement, artificial intelligence, machine learning. He takes great pride in his learning-filled journey of adding value to the industry through consistent research, analysis, and sharing of customer-driven ideas.

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