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Top 70 Customer Service Scripts, Examples & Templates (2024)

customer service scripts
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    Does your customer service team always provide consistent answers to customers’ queries whether for sales, marketing, or support purposes? If not, you’re setting your customers up for a poor experience that can harm your business in the long run. After all, 60% of consumers report having switched to a rival company because of poor customer service, says a Microsoft report. 

    What is the solution then? 

    Consider using customer service scripts for various support interactions. These scripts are essential because customers always expect relevant and meaningful interactions when they reach out to a business. Your service team can use scripts to offer quick and relevant responses which always add great value to communication. 

    In addition, customer service scripts can be used as a template for different situations – and also a tool – to ensure relevant responses to customers. On top of that, ready-to-use replies make your support team confident in responding quickly to any type of issue and ensure great experiences for customers. 

    In this blog, we will discuss customer service scripts in detail, understand the various scenarios when these scripts can be used, and also look at response templates.  

    What is a Customer Service Script? 

    Customer service scripts are written prompts or ready-to-use templates that work as a set of guidelines for customer service teams in resolving issues. Also known as call center scripts,  they help support agents respond quickly or handle various conversations effectively. 

    Support people can reduce common errors and accurately guide customers when using call center scripts. Using the script can help any business communicate better, solve customer issues faster, and reduce training time considerably. 

    Benefits of Customer Service Scripts 

    Customer service scripts are very reliable tools for agents to improve response time and increase productivity levels. They can be a useful resource to deal with customer queries efficiently.     

    Let’s look at some of the key benefits of customer service scripts – 

    • Consistency in communication – Scripts allow customer service agents to follow the standard guidelines for customer communications. This helps in uniform service experience across channels. 
    • Quick and relevant response – Having ready-to-use scripts means agents don’t need to search for answers for any situation when interacting with customers. They can quickly use scripted answers that can boost the response time. 
    • Improved workflows – Agents feel more efficient and confident when there is a script for handling customer queries. They can respond quickly to issues without having to guess the responses. This can lead to improved workflows and faster resolutions.
    • Less need for agent training – Agents can be trained quickly with the help of ready-made chat. This will save the need for training, and also save the resources for the business.    

    70 Powerful Customer Service Scripts (Templates)

    Customer service is all about effective and quick responses so that great experiences can be offered. There are various situations when customers can reach out to support agents for help. The key is to keep the responses uniform and relevant using customer service scripts. 

    Let’s look at different scenarios and relevant customer service scripts for them – 

    1. Call Center Scripts Examples for Greetings

    Customers should always be greeted and welcomed with a polite and friendly message whether in live chat or by phone. Reps should greet everyone without any distinction whether they are first-timers or repeat. So, you need to be positive with call center script examples to greet customers better and set the tone for an engaging conversation.  

    Call Center Scripts examples for Greetings

    General Openings 

    • Good (morning/afternoon/evening) sir, this is ( Agent Name ) at ( Company Name). How may I help you? 
    • Hello sir/mam, welcome to ( Company Name). How can I help you? 
    • Welcome, nice to have you at ( Company Name). How may I assist you today?  

    New and Repeat Customers 

    • “Good morning! Welcome to Customer Service. My name is XYZ. How can I help you?”
    • “Hi, welcome! You’re connected to XYZ in customer service. How may I help you?”
    • “Great to see you again, XYZ. I hope you’re doing well. Would you like me to show you some different products this time?” 
    • “Nice to have you here again, XYZ. How can I help you this time around? Wanna check out something new?” 

    Angry Customers 

    • My sincere apologies to you, ( Customer Name). I can understand how you’re feeling. Let me help you through this. Could you elaborate on the issue so I can fix this for you? 
    • I’m extremely sorry to hear about the frustrating time you have had to go through, (Customer Name). Let me assure you of help. Before we move forward, could you go into detail about the situation? 
    • I apologize for this situation. You shouldn’t have gone through this, (Customer Name). Let me promise you a quick resolution.  

    2. Chat Scripts to Thank Customers for Bringing Up the Issue

    It’s always a good practice to say thanks to customers for noticing an issue in your product or for bringing to your attention the issue. By doing so, you could send a good message to customers about how valuable their suggestion is for you.  Saying thanks to customers is one of the most effective live chat best practices every agent should follow.    

    Thank you

    General Customer Service Response 

    • “We genuinely appreciate your effort in bringing this to our attention. Let us look into it.”
    • “Thanks for noticing this and letting us know. I assure you of quick help on that.”
    • “Your effort in reaching out to us and bringing this issue to light is highly appreciated. We assure you the quickest possible help on this.”

    After Issue Resolution

    • “Hi (Customer’s Name), we would like to thank you for pointing out this important issue. The situation is now addressed. 
    • “Hello (Customer Name), the issue you raised is resolved. We also like to extend a big thanks to you for bringing this to our attention. We look forward to serving you better.”
    • “We have solved the issue you faced. Let us assure you that we’re always committed to delivering the best possible experience to you.”

    3. Live Chat Scripts for Asking More information from Customers 

    You can deliver customers the best experience only if you know their problem inside out. If you don’t have the necessary information, it will be difficult to fix their issue in the way it should. For that reason, you should not hesitate to ask for more information from customers as and when you feel like it.  

    General Inquiry for Additional Information  

    • “Could you please tell us more about the problem you’re facing? For how long have you been troubled by this? Have you taken any steps yourself?”
    • “Could you please confirm your order ID/delivery address/complaint number?” 
    • “I feel bad to hear you have had to face this problem. Could you elaborate a bit more so that I can know it better?”  

    Requesting Details for a Specific Issue

    • “Hello ( Customer’s Name), thanks for reaching out to us. We would love to know about the specific errors or problems you’re facing. Feel free to take you through the scenarios or situations leading up to your problem. This will help you serve you better.”
    • “We’re sorry for the situation you’ve had to face. However, we appreciate your quick action in reaching out to us. Could you please elaborate on the situation in a detailed manner so that we can better understand your problem? We assure you quick help on this matter.”  

    4. Customer Service Scripts for Form Fill-up 

    Forms can help you know a lot about customers and their problems. So, as a customer service agent, you need to focus on soliciting more information so that the best possible experience is delivered. You can easily get customers to fill out the form if you know how to use the chat sample or follow call center script best practices in the right way.    

    • “Hi ( Customer’s Name ), we appreciate your interest in our product/service. To serve you better, we request that you could you please consider filling out this short form. I won’t take much time. The response will be used to tailor our response to meet your needs.”
    • “Serving you better is always our priority. To achieve the goal, we would need you to share more information. Could you please fill up this form? It won’t take more than 2 minutes.” 
    • “We intend to deliver you the best experience. So, take some time out and fill this little form.”  

    Requesting customers to fill up a form

    5. Call Center Scripts Examples for Transferring Call to a Different Team

    Customers like prompt answers to their queries. Even if they have reached the wrong agent, they expect the person to have customer service communication skills and enable a smooth experience. For that situation, the agent needs the support of a sample call center script to know how to transfer a customer call to a different team to avoid delay.   

    • “Sorry, you seem to have connected to the wrong department. Let us take you to the right team.”
    • “Your query is valid. However, I am not the right person to help with that. Let me connect you to the department specialized for such matters.”  
    • “I now need to take your case to the senior representative. He/she will take it from here. May I connect your call to them?” 
    • “We appreciate your call, however, you have not connected to the right department. Could you please wait while we connect your call to the right team? 
    • “Hello (customer name), we’re not the right team to help you on this matter. We however appreciate your call. Let me connect you to the person who would guide you on this better.”

    6. Customer Service Scripts for Putting Customers on Hold 

    Customers never like being put on hold by an agent. The more you make them wait for an answer, the more they might feel frustrated. You should always try to keep the wait time as low as possible. You can also take help from customer service call script examples to understand how others are managing the situation well. 

    Brief Hold 

    • “Thanks, Allan for bringing this up. Your problem is genuine. However, I need to check with my team to update you on this further. Could you please hold on there for a few seconds.? 
    • “Hello (customer name), you can expect a quick response on this. However, would you mind if your call is put on hold briefly while I collect the necessary information?”
    • “We appreciate your concern. Could you give me a minute, Ben? Expect me to be back soon with an update.”  

    Longer Hold

    • “Dear Peter, it may take me some time to retrieve the information you seek. May I put on hold till that time?” 
    • “I understand your request. The XYZ team is better handled to help you with that. Would you mind being put on hold in the meanwhile I connect you to the right people?”

    7. Call Center Agent Script for Sharing Links or Resources

    Chats or calls are sometimes not the best way to resolve the customer issue in a step-by-step process. For that, you have HELP DESK materials or SELF-HELP articles that you need to share so that the issue is resolved smoothly. Plus, doing that can help customers find help all by themselves without bothering the agent. But yes, the agent needs to understand when and how to share those links with customers for better help.   

    • “Hello, Maria, I understand your problem completely. To help you better, here is a link that you can click and go through the steps to fix the issue quickly and all by yourself. For more help, feel free to contact me again”  
    • “Hi, Sheldon, this self-help article will best serve you. It has all the necessary steps you need to find the right help. If you think you need more help, contact me again.” 
    • “Hay, Jordan, we look forward to resolving your issue faster. Could you please click on the link below and check all the steps needed by you? For further assistance, I am always here to help you.” 

    8. Customer Service Script Example for Apologizing 

    As a business, it’s hard to avoid angry customers. Even the best of organizations with top-notch products and services have frustrated customers as there are so many things that nobody can control which can cause friction and annoy people that matter. However, in such situations, the best you can do is to acknowledge the mistake and apologize to alleviate the anger to some extent.


    Apology for General Issues 

    • “Hi Hellen, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you due to that. Let us fix the issue immediately.”   
    • “Hello Robinson, I am sorry to hear about that. You should not have had to go through it.” 
    • “Hey Kirsten, we feel bad for the unpleasant experience you had to go through. We’re sorry and we can confirm the earliest solution to your problem.” 

    Apology for Specific Issues

    • “It looks like your order is either misplaced or shipped to the wrong address. We’re extremely sorry about that. We assure you that the product (product name) you ordered shall reach you this week itself.” 
    • “I am sorry about that. You should not have received the product in that condition. We promise you to send out another product in the best possible condition. And if you’d like a refund, we can go ahead and meet your need as well.”
    • “So sorry, (customer name). Let me fix this issue right away for you. I’m re-scheduling your order and dispatching it today itself. Let me assure you that the correct size/color will reach you shortly.”

    9. Customer Service Script Template for Empathy 

    A quick response is not the only thing that customers would want when they approach a business with some issue. They also want a sense of empathy to be shown to their cause as it makes them feel good about the whole situation. So, you not only need to follow empathy statements for customer service but also follow call center script best practices and relate to the customer as well as their problem in a true sense. 

    • “Oh, sorry to hear about that. This kind of situation would upset me too.”  
    • “I can completely relate to it. It’s always a bad experience when something like this happens. We’re sorry for that and we hope this is never repeated.” 
    • “Your anger is justified as anyone else would feel the same way. 
    • “ I completely understand how frustrating this must be for you. This should have been avoided. Let me assure you complete help on this.”
    • “While we feel sorry for the situation, we want to assure you that we’re always here to help. You value a lot to us and your satisfaction is our priority.”  

    10. Call Center Scripts Best Practices for Saying ‘No’ 

    Meeting all the customer demands is not possible for any business. Sometimes you need to deny a request and say no to customers without worrying about the consequences. However, you need to remember that the denial is not abrupt or curt sounding; and you also need to ensure that saying no comes with a relevant justification. And when there is a call center agent script, the support team always knows how to deny a request politely.   

    Say no to customers

    • “We understand your problem. However, at this point, we’re unable to meet your request.”
    • “I can relate to the issue faced by you. But our internal policy does not have any clause for this issue. We’d like to apologize for that.”
    • “Sorry to say but we won’t be able to help you much on that. For anything else, you can always feel free to contact us.”  

    11. Call Center Scripts Examples for Unhappy Customers

    Handling unhappy customers is always a big challenge for a support team. You’re never sure what might offend them more or what else you need to do more to placate them. For that reason, you need to be a bit more cautious of them in terms of understanding their issues and framing the response. You can rely on the call center script best practices sample for answering their queries.  

    • “I’m sorry to hear about your problem. It should not have happened that way. Let me fix this for you.” 
    • “I can completely understand why you’re so upset. I can assure you such issues are not repeated ever again.”  
    • “You’re a valuable customer to us and your frustration is completely valid. Anyone in your place would feel the same. I assure you the quickest resolution to the problem.” 

    12. Customer Service Scripts for Follow-up

    Brands with loyal customers understand the value of extending the support beyond the purchase stage itself. If you follow up even after customers have bought something, it means you’re taking a step towards fostering a long-lasting relationship. And if you have not started doing that yet, make sure it does not take long the introduction of customer service scripts for your business.  

    Customer service follow up

    • “Thanks for buying from us! We hope you’re having a good time with our product.” 
    • “Hi, Allen, how has your experience been with our product? We hope you’re having a good time with it. If any issue, we’re just a call away.”
    • “I hope you’re not facing the same issue again. In case if you ever come across this problem, feel free to reach out to us.”

    13. Customer Service Scripts Example Complete a Purchase

    Customers leaving a purchase mid-way is never a good thing for any business. This could happen due to various reasons, be it price issues, clunky check-out process, etc. Whatever the issue, you need to reach out to such customers with the right chatbot scripts and try to bring them back with an exciting offer or some more information about the product. To handle such situations, you should have a customer service script template so that agents can refer to it and ensure the right responses.  

    • “Hey Kieron, it seems you have abandoned your cart for some reason. If you’re facing any issues, let us know so that we can help you complete the purchase.” 
    • Hello Angela, it seems you could not complete the purchase and had to leave the cart mid-way. Let me help if you face any issues.” 
    • “Hey (customer name), we noticed you were about to complete the purchase, but you sort of stopped. Can we help you out?”

    14. Call Center Scripts Example for Upselling to a Customer 

    Engaging with a potential customer is nothing less than an art. If you played your part well, it could lead to conversion. And if the messaging is not right, you might end up losing the prospect. It’s therefore important to approach potential customers with the customer service dialogue script. 

    • “Hey, you seem interested in one of our products. Would you like to have a look at these options as well?”
    • “Hello, since you are considering buying this product, let us show you more similar options that might interest you.” 
    • “Thank you for purchasing this product. We wish to mention that you can pair the product perfectly with this (product name). Would you like more details on that?”

    15. Customer Service Scripts for Concluding a Conversation 

    Ending a conversation on a positive note is equally important. Whether you conclude a chat session or end a phone call, you need to be a bit courteous and thank the customer for the conversation. When you know how to conclude a conversation well with smart call center script examples, customers will always bank on you for a better experience. 

    •  “Thank you for getting in touch with us. We look forward to helping you out more as and when you need it.”
    • “It was a pleasure guiding you through this problem. If you have any other queries or help, feel free to reach out to us at any time.
    • “I’m glad to have helped you today. We encourage you to contact us at any time in the future.”

    Customer Service Script Samples (Examples )

    1. Sample Script:-  Product Defect

    Agent: Hello (customer name), thank you for calling us. How may I help you today?  

    Customer: Hi, I recently purchased this product ( product name) from your company, but it seems anything but OK. It has scratches and produces an annoying creaking sound while opening. 

    Agent: I’m sorry to hear that. Could you brief me more about the problem? If not, may I have your order number or product serial number to better understand the problem? 

    Customer: Sure, it’s ( product order number). 

    Agent: Thank you. Let me see how I can help you with this. The creaking sound is common when the product is new, and be rest assured it will go away gradually in a week or two. 

    Customer: Is that not a hardware issue?

    Agent: No sir, it’s not. Many customers have faced similar issues, but later the sound vanished gradually. 

    Customer: Ok, but what about the scratches all over the product? 

    Agent: If you think they are too obvious, we can consider replacing your product. 

    Customer: I’d like a replacement, please.

    Agent: No problem sir. Let me initiate the replacement process for you.  

    Customer: thank you.

    Agent: You’re welcome! Feel free to reach out to us at any time. 

    2. Sample Script:- Customer Unhappy over Late Product Delivery 

    Agent: Hello, (customer name). Thank you for contacting ( company name ). How may I help you today? 

    Customer: It’s been two weeks since I placed an order, but I have yet to receive the product. In this how you people deliver parcels? What purpose of ordering when we can’t get things on time? 

    Agent: I can understand your frustration. I sincerely apologize for the delay and any inconvenience it may have caused you. Be rest assured, the parcel will arrive today itself. Let me check where the issue is coming from. May I know the order number and tracking ID? 

    Customer: Here it’s (order number). 

    Agent: Thank you, sir. I am checking the status of your parcel. May I put you on hold while I find out the exact reason behind the delay? 

    Customer: Yeah, sure. 

    Agent: Sir, I have just checked with the delivery person in charge of your product. The delay was due to the ongoing transport strike in your region. Now that the strike is about to end this evening, I can assure you that the problem will delivered to you by tomorrow evening. 

    Customer: Well, I appreciate that. 

    Agent:  Thank you for your patience. We value you as a customer. If there’s anything else I can help you with, feel free to reach out to us again.  

    Best Practices to Create Impactful Customer Service Scripts 

    It takes effort and careful consideration to create impactful customer care scripts. There are some best practices as well that you can follow for the scripts and successfully address the needs of your customers. When the scripts are crafted with care and thoughtfulness, they can help enhance the overall customer experience for your business. 

    Let’s look at some of the best practices to create impactful scripts for customer service teams – 

    1. Use Simple and Clear Language 

    Customers feel frustrated when scripts are long or unclear. Such scripts fail to add the intended value to customers. Rather, your focus should be on creating scripts that are easy to understand. Using clear and concise language is key for such types of scripts. Make sure the language is simple as customers can relate more. 

    2. Avoid too Much Formal or Casual Tone 

    Customers don’t like agents who are either too formal or casual. While being too formal is fine up to a point, overdoing it can make you feel banal. Similarly, even a slight hint of casualness in the tone might make you come across as unprofessional. Make sure you maintain a conversational tone that is respectful and professional. 

    3. Set Clear Goals and Objectives 

    Your agents can’t deliver the right messages at the right time when scripts are not aligned with your business goals and objectives. Set clear goals and objectives specific to your business needs before you set out to create scripts for customer care. Align the scripts with your goals as it ensures a great customer experience in every situation. 

    4. Personalize the Conversation 

    Conversations feel robotic and boring when the script lacks personalization. Such scripts often lead to impersonal conversation. Consider creating scripts that offer a scope of personalization with a major emphasis on addressing customers by name and recognizing their association with the brand. Let the scripts allow agents a sense of flexibility in personalizing the solution and going a bit out of the way. This can make customers happy.

    5. Keep the Scripts Updated

    Customers get no value when the scripts are outdated. Cut and prune outdated information to keep the scripts updated. This can avoid needless confusion agents and customers may have to experience. Always implement your agent’s feedback and experiences, together with customer inputs, into devising customer service scripts. 

    Do’s and Don’ts for Creating Customer Care Scripts

    Creating customer care scripts may seem easy on the surface but it’s not. If you don’t follow the right strategy, the script might cease to add value and may become a liability. Make sure you follow the basics for creating the best scripts. 

    Let’s look at some do’s and don’ts for creating customer care scripts. 




    Use friendly language 

    Use complicated language 

    Focus on clarity of message 

    Focus on the technicality of the message 

    Keep the scripts concise 

    Overload the message with words

    Personalize the conversation

    Rely on generic responses 

    Show empathy 

    Adopt a direct robotic tone lacking empathy 

    Provide clear instructions

    Guide customers through the steps 

    Review the scripts regularly 

    Use the same scripts without any review

    Leave scope for agent flexibility 

    Ask the agent to rely on similar responses 

    Train agents on the script 

    Expect the agent to learn on the job

    Final Thoughts 

    Customer service teams are always expected to offer consistent answers to customers’ queries. This enhances the customer’s experience with the brand. Customer service scripts help agents provide quick and relevant responses which always add great value to communication.  

    These scripts have many benefits like they ensure consistency in communication, improving the workflows, and ensuring less need for agent training. A business can rely on scripts for various situations and handle customer interactions well. 

    Whether to welcome or greet customers, thank them, ask for more information from Customers, say sorry, follow up, handle grievances, put on hold, or upsell, you can find scripts for all situations. 

     You can also follow some of the best practices to create impactful customer care scripts, like using simple and clear language, avoiding a casual tone, and personalizing the conversation. 

    Sign up with REVE Chat to find ready-made scripts and top-notch customer support tools for enhancing user experiences. 

    More so, having a ready-made response can help agents deliver consistent answers and ensure a great experience for customers. The best part, your support team could rely on these chat scripts for every type of talk and keep customers happy.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Customer Service Scripts 

    1. What is a customer service script?

    Customer care scripts are pre-designed statements to be used by support reps during customer interactions. These scripts help agents respond to customers quickly and without having to search for answers. A script ensures that agents maintain consistency in response while engaging with customers. 

    2. What are the three key elements of a basic script for a call center?

    The three key elements include – 

    • Greeting 
    • Response 
    • Closing 

    3. What is an example of positive scripting for customer service?

    Positive scripting can help agents handle angry customers better and diffuse the situation more effectively. In customer service, positive scripting can add some positivity to interactions. An example may look like this: “We greatly appreciate your efforts in reaching out to us. We also apologize for the inconvenience. But we assure you prompt help on this matter.”   

    4. How do you answer a customer service call script?

    Let’s look at some examples of call center scripts for answering a customer service: 

    • “Good (morning/noon/evening) sir/mam, this is ( agent name) at ( company name).”
    • “Welcome to ( company name)
    • “Hello sir/mam, you’re talking to (agent name) at ( company name). How can help you today? 

    5. Do all call centers use scripts?

    No, not all call centers use scripts. Some have their methods to address customer issues. Even those where scripts are available, reps may not always use them for responses. However, all call centers where scripts are used do so with the same purpose – to ensure prompt and consistent responses to queries.

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    Praveen Singh

    Praveen Singh is a content marketer, blogger, and professional with 15 years of passion for ideas, stats, and insights into customers. An MBA Graduate in marketing and a researcher by disposition, he has a knack for everything related to customer engagement and customer happiness.

    As a writer and analyst, he pours the heart out on a blog that is informative, detailed, and often digs deep into the heart of customer psychology. He’s written extensively on a range of topics including, marketing, AI chatbots, omnichannel messaging platforms, and many more.

    Mr. Singh also has a passion for subjects that excite new-age customers, be it social media engagement, artificial intelligence, machine learning. He takes great pride in his learning-filled journey of adding value to the industry through consistent research, analysis, and sharing of customer-driven ideas.

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