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10 Best Customer Feedback Tools to Try in 2024

customer feedback tools
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    Customer feedback plays a key role in improving your products and services. Using the feedback strategically can help your business enhance user experience and achieve growth. More importantly, companies that collect and analyze customer feedback regularly stay ahead of the curve and also ensure amazing service to their customers at each stage of the journey. 

    This is where customer feedback tools become important as they serve as valuable assets for businesses. Using them, it’s easy to gather structured feedback and gain insights into customer needs. These tools are also vital for boosting customer engagement, leveraging data for informed decision-making, and ultimately improving customer satisfaction.  

    By using customer analysis feedback tools, a business can improve its offerings and also build stronger customer relationships, resulting in higher growth. Without feedback tools, it wouldn’t be possible to understand customer needs, pain points, and preferences. The data gained from customer tools can be used for identifying and addressing potential problems which can ensure improvement to various metrics. 

    In this blog, we will explore customer analysis management tools, know the popular ones for use and also understand how your business can use them to gain benefits. 

    How Important Are Customer Feedback Analysis Tools?

    Customer feedback collection tools are very important for businesses for various reasons. They have a big role in understanding customer needs better with products or services. Plus, 9 out of ten customers prefer businesses that have knowledge of their past purchases. 


    There are many ways in which customer feedback analysis tools are important – 

    • Customer experience insights – Feedback tools are used for collecting opinions, suggestions, and complaints from customers. All this proves very useful in getting deep customer experience insights regarding the product or service. 
    • Improvements to products and services – The use of customer analysis feedback tools enables businesses to identify areas where their offers are lagging behind. Using customer insights, it’s always easy to understand what customer pain points are and then improve the product and service.   
    • Customer satisfaction measurement – When a business regularly seeks customer feedback, it’s not only able to know the customer issues but also address them timely. So, together with measuring customer satisfaction levels, these tools are also very helpful for improving loyalty.  
    • Informed decision-making – Customer feedback management tools are very vital for analyzing data over time and identifying trends and patterns in customer behavior and preferences. These insights could prove invaluable in making informed decisions about key areas of marketing and sales.  
    • Resource optimization – Feedback tools offer data-driven guidance to businesses that can be used for resource allocation. When key customer data is available, it’s always easy to know how much effort and resources to allocate to specific areas.  

    How to Choose the Right Customer Feedback Collection Tool?

    When choosing a customer feedback analysis tool, the key is always to select one that aligns with your business objectives. It’s equally important to check whether the tool offers the necessary features and can add value to your effort to get key customer data. 


    Here are key parameters to look at when choosing the right customer feedback management tools – 

    • Channel support –  The selection of a feedback tool should depend on the channel support it offers for your business. Whether you want to use email surveys, in-app prompts, or website forms, the tool should support the channel relevant to your target audience. 
    • Ease of use – As a business, you should choose a customer feedback analysis tool that is easy for both your team and your customers. It needs to be user-friendly and has intuitive interfaces so that survey creation is simple. 
    • Flexible feedback collection options –  Quality feedback collection tools come with the flexibility to gather data and insights in a way that sits well with the specific needs of the business. Make sure the tool offers features such as customizable surveys, open-text feedback, and the option to collect feedback at various stages.   
    • Data analysis and reporting – Top customer feedback management tools come with deep data analysis and reporting capabilities. They provide robust reporting and analytics features as well. They enable real-time reporting, trend analysis, and data segmentation as well. 
    • Integration and compatibility – Before choosing a customer feedback tool, it’s necessary to consider whether it will be compatible with the various tools your business uses for customer management. It should be compatible with your CRM system, help desk software, and other platforms to ensure smooth feedback collection management. 

    10 Best Customer Feedback Tools For Your Business 

    Customer feedback management has become very important in the endeavor to deliver great experiences to customers and meet their expectations. After all, 83% of customers complete at least one survey. Plus, there are so many different feedback tools that your business can try and start collecting and analyzing key data. 


    Here are some most popular customer feedback collection tools – 


    1. SurveyMonkey 

    SurveyMonkey is a widely recognized customer feedback collection tool that enables easy creation, distribution, and analysis of surveys of all data. It’s a powerful and versatile tool for collecting customer insights. More so, it offers over 100 integrations with various apps, plug-ins, and systems, including Slack, MailChimp, Google Drive, and Microsoft Teams. 


    Key Features  

    • It offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of question types such as open-ended, multiple-choice, and rating scales etc to design customized surveys for specific needs.  
    • It offers multiple channels to distribute surveys such as social media sharing, email, website embedding, and SMS.  
    • The surveys created using this tool are fully optimized for mobile responsiveness.   
    • Data export to various popular platforms like SPSS and Excel is supported.
    • Users can analyze the data effectively due to its real-time reporting feature with interactive charts and graphs. 

    2. Typeform 

    Typeform is among the most widely used customer feedback management tools for creating interactive surveys, forms, and questionnaires. Thanks to its various features and user-friendly interface, the entire process of feedback collection is enhanced for businesses. Using its rich media integration and advanced analytics, it’s easy to gather valuable insights and make informed decisions. 

    One of the key highlights of this tool is the availability of a big collection of library of attractive forms, quiz templates, and surveys. Plus, it offers a drag-and-drop form builder that eases the process of creating customizable forms.   

    Key features 

    • A business can select from a variety of question options, including multiple-choice, open-ended, rating scales, and more for collecting feedback.  
    • Dynamic forms can be created to adapt as per the respondents’ previous answers.   
    • Forms can be visually enriched and enhanced with multimedia elements such as GIFs, videos, and images.   
    • It enables integration with various third-party platforms and tools including CRM systems, project management tools, etc.  

    3. Wootric 

    Wootric is another customer feedback tool that can help businesses effectively measure and improve customer satisfaction. Using this tool, a company can collect and analyze customer data and improve its offers and overall customer experience. Wootric features among the free customer feedback tools as it has no starting price.  

    As a top customer feedback management tool, it uses NPS, CES, and CSAT surveys to help assess the level of customer satisfaction. The channels it supports for feedback collection include email, chat, web, SMS, and mobile app. 


    Key features 

    • Its user interface is intuitive and it’s fairly easy to use.  
    • It enables businesses to create NPS surveys easily for measuring customer loyalty.  
    • Different survey formats are available including rating scales, multiple choice, and open-ended.  
    • It allows automation of feedback collection and analysis due to easy integration with various helpdesk systems and CRM software. 

    4. CustomerSure

    CustomerSure is a feedback management software that comes with a comprehensive suite of features for businesses to collect and analyze customer feedback effectively.  Using this software, a company can deliver surveys via different channels including web, app, email, and SMS. 

    More so, it also helps in tracking and improving various aspects of surveys such as engagement, abandonment, and response rates.  CustomerSure is not for those looking for one of the free customer feedback tools that enable multi-channel feedback collection. 

    Key features 

    • The process of sending feedback requests to customers can be automated.  
    • Survey questions and designs can be customized to make them fit with your company’s goal. 
    • Various question types are available, including multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended ones. 
    • It comes with sentiment analysis capabilities so businesses can automatically analyze and interpret customer feedback. 

    5. Hotjar 

    Hotjar is a popular customer feedback analysis tool that enables valuable insights into user behavior. It helps you understand how customers interact with your website and can also use surveys to determine user behavior. Its heatmaps display user activity on a website and app and offer valuable insights into user behavior.  


    Key feature  

    • It allows recording and replaying visitor sessions for individuals so that you can get a close view of how users navigate your app or site.   
    • It provides form analysis capabilities that help in analyzing user behavior within online forms.  
    • Customizable tools and surveys are available that can be triggered at a specific time.   
    • It can easily be integrated with analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, to get a comprehensive view of user behavior.   

    6. SurveySparrow

    SurveySparrow is a wonderful customer feedback collection tool for creating visually appealing surveys, forms, and quizzes for customer engagement and feedback collection. Unlike other tools, it mainly focuses on creating conversational experiences for surveys. The entire survey-taking process feels more enjoyable and more interactive with this tool as it uses a chat-like interface for engagement.  


    Key features 

    • It supports various survey formats including rating scales, open-ended questions, multiple-choice and more.  
    • Thanks to its conditional logic feature, personalized surveys can be created that adapt to users’ answers.  
    • It allows collecting feedback in situations where users are not connected to the internet.  
    • Its integration capabilities with third-party apps and platforms are extensive as it can be integrated with analytic tools, CRM systems, and helpdesk software. 

    7. GetFeedback

    GetFeedback is a useful tool to collect, analyze and act upon feedback and streamline the entire process. It helps in creating customized tools tailored to the specific needs of your business. A company can choose from flexible survey design options to match the survey’s look and feel with its brand identity. 

    Key feature 

    • It supports multiple channels for feedback collection such as mobile apps, email, website, and SMS. 
    • It offers real-time reporting and analytics so that one can have quick access to survey responses and insights.  
    • The surveys created using this tool are optimized for mobile devices. 

    8. Qualaroo

    Qualaroo is a quality customer feedback collection tool for collecting feedback and insights from website visitors. It allows the creation and customization of surveys and feedback forms that can be displayed on a website. The surveys and forms created using this tool can be triggered based on various specific conditions such as scroll depth, time on page, etc.  

    Key features  

    • It provides various targeting options such as user attributes, geolocation, or visitor behavior to collect feedback from specific user segments.    
    • The A/B testing feature helps in comparing different survey designs and optimizing survey content.  
    • The tool supports NPS and CSAT surveys.   

    9. Qualtrics

    Qualtrics easily features among the best customer feedback tools for offering a comprehensive suite of features and capabilities. Apart from helping collect and analyze customer insights, it also helps measure customer sentiment and satisfaction. Using this tool’s user-friendly interface, interactive surveys can easily be designed though if you find Qualtrics lacking in it’s design capabilities you can look into Qualtrics Alternatives.


    Key features 

    • It supports various channels for feedback, such as email, web, SMS, and website.  
    • Dynamic surveys can be created to adapt based on user responses.  
    • The real-time reporting & analytics dashboards help in monitoring feedback responses as and when they happen.  
    • Its sentiment analysis capabilities can enable the analysis of open-ended responses and customer comments.  

    10. InMoment

    InMoment is another in the list of customer feedback management tools for collecting, analyzing, and acting upon feedback and gaining key insights into customer needs and behavior. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and text analytics to offer actionable insights. 

    The real-time monitoring and reporting dashboards are very helpful for tracking feedback in real time and addressing issues promptly. Using this tool, a business can set up automated notifications and alerts on specific feedback triggers.  

    Due to its integration with various systems and data sources, such as CRM platforms, etc, it’s possible to combine customer feedback data with other sources and get a complete view of customer experience. More so, it offers tools for creating workflows baked on feedback insights. 

    Use REVE Chat Tools for Quality Customer Feedback and Insights  

    REVE Chat understands the huge significance of customer feedback and analysis as it helps give better insights into customer needs and preferences. Your business can use our engagement tools and get advanced analytics into customer behavior.

    Using our AI-powered chatbot can help you automate various tasks across sales, support, and marketing, resulting in useful data without involving human agents. Our bots can engage and interact with your customers and fetch valuable data. 

    There are other equally helpful tools for visual engagement such as video chat and co-browsing software. They can be used for supporting customers and gaining key data out of the conversations. 

    Our live chat software can be paired with the chatbot to not only offer hybrid support but also put engagement in a flexible mode where a bot can handle routine queries while the human agent can handle complex queries. 


    Customer feedback collection tools are now key to understanding the pain points and needs of your customer better and then improving their overall experience with your brand.  

    With REVE Chat, you can find an advanced tool for feedback collection and also make customer engagement better than ever before.

    You can sign up with us and start checking our support tools. 

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    Praveen Singh

    Praveen Singh is a content marketer, blogger, and professional with 15 years of passion for ideas, stats, and insights into customers. An MBA Graduate in marketing and a researcher by disposition, he has a knack for everything related to customer engagement and customer happiness.

    As a writer and analyst, he pours the heart out on a blog that is informative, detailed, and often digs deep into the heart of customer psychology. He’s written extensively on a range of topics including, marketing, AI chatbots, omnichannel messaging platforms, and many more.

    Mr. Singh also has a passion for subjects that excite new-age customers, be it social media engagement, artificial intelligence, machine learning. He takes great pride in his learning-filled journey of adding value to the industry through consistent research, analysis, and sharing of customer-driven ideas.

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