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12 Key Factors That Affect Customer Satisfaction Level

customer satisfaction factors
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    Do you believe that customers mean a lot to the business? People purchase the goods, goods are sold and the company makes money. The customer means more than just some sort of end of the chain. It can be argued that the customer is the lifeblood of a business. What does it mean?

    It means that if a customer is dissatisfied with your goods or services then they won’t purchase them or they’ll stop purchasing them. And that’s something that could sink even the most successful business.

    This article will demonstrate the factors affecting customer satisfaction, why it matters, how a chatbot can help you, and more. 

     What Is Customer Satisfaction?

    Customer satisfaction is a unique characteristic of customer experience. It is different from other customer metrics such as customer loyalty or customer retention. These metrics are one or two steps removed from the immediate experience. Customer loyalty, for example, is how likely a customer is to return after an initial purchase. 


    Customer retention has to do with bringing back customers who have already made purchases. But these metrics don’t necessarily provide insight into your present customer experience

    Customer satisfaction, on the other hand, is a direct measurement of the middle step in the process: how customers perceive their experiences.

    Impacts on customer satisfaction:

    • Customer satisfaction provides us with insight into things that need improvement or other ways we can improve our services or product to better service our customers. 
    • Customer satisfaction is very important for any business to develop a good reputation within their customer base.

    Why Does Customer Satisfaction Matter?

    Customer satisfaction is extremely important to the business. Studies have shown that businesses with the highest rated customer service are more likely than others to enjoy heightened customer retention. 

    If the company’s customer service is excellent, 78% of consumers will do business with them again after a mistake – Salesforce Research

    A customer who has a positive experience is more likely to refer a friend, a coworker, or even a stranger to the company. 

    Referred customers result in higher buying rates and increased revenue.

    Key reasons why customer satisfaction matters:

    1. Customer satisfaction has a direct impact on customer loyalty and it’s important to ensure that your customers are happy with your products and services.
    2. Customer satisfaction can predict the customer’s future intentions, namely whether they will buy from you again in the future.
    3. If you have satisfied customers then they are more likely to continue doing business with you or refer you to their friends. You can also gain customer satisfaction by leveraging customer loyalty programs.
    4. Customer satisfaction is generally easier to determine than customer loyalty, but the two terms are often used interchangeably.

    12 Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction

    The customer, in the end, is not just evaluating a purchase, but also their relationship with the company and its people. If a customer has a good experience, they can become loyal fans of your company. 


    However, if a customer doesn’t have a good experience, they can easily turn into a detractor and try to warn other people against doing business with you.

    Now let’s have a look at what are the factors affecting customer satisfaction. Here are 12 key factors; 

    1. Accessibility
    2. Empathy
    3. Response Time
    4. Personalization
    5. Convenience
    6. Value
    7. Simplicity
    8. Quality
    9. Reasonable Prices
    10. Appreciation
    11. Loyalty Programs
    12. Community

    1. Accessibility

    The ability to interact with a product or service and use it to meet the needs of the people – has never been more vital to meeting customers’ needs and expectations than it is today. 

    Seems obvious, but in the world of business and commerce, making products and services accessible to everyone means making them mobile-first, responsive, and smoothly functional on multiple devices. 

    Besides, it is not going to be something that you add later on to your app or website, it should be utilized at the very beginning of the development process and integrated throughout the design of your app or website. So that customers can access your products and services conveniently. 

    Why is it important?

    • It will give your customers an optimum experience and will make them feel at home with your app.
    • A business that offers convenient methods of communication such as live chat, social media, and email will be seen as more accessible by customers. Therefore, they will feel appreciated.

    2. Empathy

    When customers are satisfied with their experience buying a product or service, they become loyal and are more likely to buy from you again. Empathy is an emotion felt when someone is understood and shows consideration for others’ feelings.

    Customers have a sort of sixth sense when it comes to their service with companies. It’s not hard to guess which approach leads to happier customers and more satisfied businesses.

    Why it is important?

    • An average of 84% of shoppers are more likely to make a purchase when they feel empathized with.

    3. Response Time

    For business owners, the response time for customer care inquiries is crucial. No matter what type of business you run, your customers are valuable and you want to make sure they are happy.

    The faster you respond to a customer’s complaint, inquiry or request, the better it is for your customer and your business.

    An obvious example of this is in sales. You could have the perfect product at the right price, but if you can’t provide a speedy response to your customer, they will likely go to one of your competitors who can. If a customer needs quick help with an issue or wants a fast response, they are going to reach out to a business that responds quickly.

    Why it is important?

    •  Undeliverable messages are not a good way of communication and you shouldn’t encourage them.
    • If your customers contact you via channels that aren’t working properly, or that aren’t monitored properly, they’ll end up frustrated by having their emails or chat messages go unanswered or by having to communicate with different representatives as each one “hands-off” them to someone else.

    4. Personalization 

    It is a fact that businesses with ultra-high satisfaction scores have a competitive edge. Satisfied customers are more likely to come back and are more likely to refer to a business.

    Personalized experience with customers is one of the keys to establishing a strong emotional connection with them.

    However, if you would like to ensure that your customers have this experience in your e-commerce shop, it is important to change the parameters of their interaction. More specifically, it is necessary to adapt page content and format, as well as add some elements of personalization as possible. There is no doubt that personalization is one of the key factors affecting customer satisfaction. 

    Why it is important?

    • Customers want to be conscious that they are treated individually. Maybe not all customers know what product they want to buy in your store or if they are interested in buying it at all.
    • Customers are looking for some special offers and discounts that can be offered only to a particular group of these people.

    5. Convenience

    One way to provide convenient customer service is by offering a virtual assistant or chatbot to assist them in the things they want and need. You might be wondering how such an assistant can help.

    Marketing, especially when it comes to building your company or business website these days can seem quite complex. And websites with multiple services and products can even seem overwhelming. 

    A virtual assistant, on the other hand, has the ability to make what typically can be a confusing process much less complicated.

    Why it is important?

    • Happy customers will be more likely to pay more for a product and also recommend it to other people about their positive experience.
    • Convenience is giving the chance for the customers to use your services as often as they wish, knowing that no matter what, everything will be taken care of. 

    6. Value

    The value of the customer is the basic principle of any business, whether big or small. Customer satisfaction is a key factor in recognizing the critical success of any business. 

    The first consideration for a business should be its customer satisfaction as it will provide the basis for long-lasting and desirable relationships with customers.

    Why it is important?

    • It will help you to create and maintain a healthy relationship with your customers so that they remain loyal and satisfied with your services.
    • 68% of customers may leave your business if they feel that their complaints go unheard.
    • It will keep your customers happy, as they will be advocates for your brand and they’ll share their positive experiences with their peers on social media.

    7. Simplicity

    Simplicity is one of the most important aspects of a business. The more simple a business is the easier it will be to understand, which will, in turn, lead to increased customer satisfaction.

    If your product is hard to use, customers won’t use it. They will simply go buy a competitor’s product instead. Your product must be simple. 

    8. Quality

    Quality is one of the most important aspects of the product and it is simply because a satisfied customer is the one to whom you can sell again. 

    A good product makes your customers come back to you but, unfortunately, many businessmen do not pay attention to this, but your product must be as good as possible. 

    In fact, top businesses often use a customer satisfaction model to find ways to improve product quality and achieve happy customers. 

    Why it is important?

    • It is vital that you understand who the product is intended for and what your customers need, in order to provide them. 

    9. Reasonable Prices

    Reasonable prices are the essence of customer satisfaction in any business. If a business wants to be successful, then it should learn from others and realize that pricing is one of the most important factors if you want to attract customers.

    Also, reasonable prices ensure the survival of businesses. Imagine a situation when there is no reasonable pricing for a product or service. So how can you stay in your business? 

    It is easy to understand that unreasonable price offers are absolutely wrong. Such an offer will not gain market share and will have no real impact on the consumer.

    Why it is important?

    • By offering goods or services at reasonable prices, you will surely win new customers and improve your business.
    • If we buy things that are not good quality or are overpriced, it will result in dissatisfaction. 

    10. Appreciation

    Though some people take it for granted, most customers want to be appreciated for their business. You can boost your customer satisfaction with little things, like sending a hand-written thank you card or a note with the order. 

    If the customer orders something nice, then double the value of the item and send it as a gift. It’s these little things that will set you apart from the competition and will show you truly care about your customer.

    Why it is important?

    • When customers feel appreciated, they will support your brand and continue to return to your business for future purchases.

    11. Loyalty Programs

    Using a loyalty or customer reward program is a great way to increase customer service satisfaction for your business. Loyalty programs are not hard to start and can be used by a variety of business types. 

    Customers and clients love reward programs because they show that the business owners appreciate and value them enough to offer special perks that those who do not join the program do not receive.

    Why it is important?

    • Getting customer loyalty goes beyond giving customers a reason to buy your products or services. It also means creating a program that makes it simple for them to deal with your business.  
    • Loyalty programs increase customer service satisfaction rates. They give people reason to come back to your store and buy more stuff.

    12. Community

    Creating a community around your products can be a ground-breaking way to engage your customers with your brands. 

    Building relationships is important because it establishes trust, loyalty, and recognition. As a business owner, it’s important to build that relationship with your customers, your employees, and vendors as well as your family members.

    How Does a Chabot Help Improve Customer Satisfaction?

    Chabot helps to improve customer satisfaction by answering relevant questions on an ongoing basis. Every company relies on its customers to keep its business going. However, not all companies are able to give their customers the best experience. 

    With REVE CHAT, you will be at an advantage because it will help you become more aware of the problems that your customers’ problems. The way that Chabot works is straightforward. It asks questions, gathers feedback, and presents you with information that you can use to improve your business. It also lets you know where and when each interaction took place.

    Get Started with REVE Chat to take your customer satisfaction level to the next level. No credit card is required. It provides a hassle-free experience. Sign up now and enjoy 14 day free trial. 

    How to Measure Customer Satisfaction Level?

    In customer satisfaction measurement, the customer satisfaction level is the most important factor. Customer satisfaction level refers to customers’ evaluation of their experience with a company or a product. 


    The satisfaction level is often measured on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 represents the lowest level of satisfaction and 10 the highest.

    This customer satisfaction survey tool will help you to measure the level of customer satisfaction. Let me share with you an example. If a customer buys a product online, then he or she may receive an email confirming their order.

    Customer support email serves two main functions: one is to ask for feedback from the customers in order to learn how well the entire process was carried out and the second is to confirm that the client is happy and to offer him or her assistance if needed.

    In order for you to understand how to keep your customers coming back, you must be able to measure their satisfaction level. 

    Here are some tips on how to measure customer satisfaction levels:

    • Make it Personal
    • Make sure that your staff is always happy.
    • Be blunt
    • Remember that you are the boss and they are the customers.
    • Communicate with them in a friendly manner.
    • Be ready at all times when you need their feedback.


    Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to any business. Every business owner should always strive to improve their customer experience and ensure that they are happy with their service or product. 

    To do this you must understand what drives customer satisfaction. Some of the main things that drive this factor are speed and accuracy. If a customer is placed on hold for an unusual amount of time or has to wait several days for the product they ordered, they are unlikely to be pleased. 

    The three big things that go into customer satisfaction are convenience, price, and service. If a customer feels like they are getting good value for their money, they feel satisfied with the service they received from you. Address all the key factors affecting customer satisfaction and improve your customer satisfaction level faster.

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    Juwel Rana

    Juwel is a Sr. Content Writer at REVE Chat. He specializes in writing about customer service and customer engagement. He is passionate about helping businesses create a better customer experience.

    He strongly believes that businesses will be able to understand their customers better and ultimately create more meaningful relationships with them.

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