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What is AI? Types, Benefits, Use Cases & Examples (2024)

what is ai
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    Did you know that 64% of businesses expect AI to increase productivity, improve customer relationships, and transform business operations? 

    Well, artificial Intelligence, or AI, has come a long way from being once a sci-fi fantasy. It’s no longer a futuristic concept. It has made rapid strides in the last decade. Today, it’s a key aspect of our daily lives. 

    The technology of AI has advanced so much that it can now make machines think, learn, and make decisions on their own. It’s a revolution that is reshaping and redefining industries and societies at a rapid pace. 

    But what exactly is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?  Is it just about simple automation or much more? 

    Well, AI is the most pioneering piece of technology known to humans. Its powers go beyond just teaching computers to mimic human intelligence and cognition. It’s more than just being the force behind self-driven cars and tools. 

    In this blog, we will explore AI in detail, understand how it works, and analyze its history, types, impact, and mechanism. 

    Before digging deep, let’s get started with the basic concepts first…

    What is AI? 

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a multidisciplinary field, or wide-ranging branch, of computer science that is concerned with the creation of systems, algorithms, and software capable of simulating human intelligence. 

    The ultimate goal of AI is to contribute to the development of machines that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. 

    The functions of conversational AI can help with various activities, including pattern recognition, problem-solving, reasoning, natural language understanding, and making decisions. 

    Artificial intelligence is considered the most innovative technology as the systems and software built using it can perform even those tasks associated with human cognitive functions. 

    From playing games to interpreting speech to identifying patterns, artificial intelligence technology can enable all and more. 

    AI systems can also learn without supervision and they can process massive amounts of data and do things on their own.  

    History of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

    The concept of “artificial intelligence” goes back to ancient times when things called “automatons” existed that moved without human intervention. While the idea of AI is old, much of the advancement we see today is the result of the work done in the 20th century. It’s when the real cutting-edge works began towards modern-day AI.  

    Let’s look at the timeline of the evolution of artificial intelligence – 

    1. Foundation Works for AI ( Period between 1900 to 1949 )

    The period between 1900 to 1949 was when the idea of artificial humans gathered steam. It got widespread attention in the media as well. The main focus was on the development of artificial brains for machines. The term “robots” originated in this period itself. 

    Key Dates  

    1921: This year, a science fiction play “Rossum’s Universal Robots” by Czech playwright Karel Čapek hit the market and introduced the concept of “artificial people” or robots.  

    1929: The first Japanese robot, named Gakutensoku, came into existence, and was developed by Japanese professor Makoto Nishimura. 

    1943: Warren McCulloch and Walter Pits are credited with the first genuine work of AI as they proposed a model of artificial neurons.

    1949: Donald Hebb introduced a rule for modifying the connection strength between neurons. The rule is now famous as “Hebbian learning.” In the same year, computer scientist Edmund Callis Berkley released the book “Giant Brains, or Machines that Think”. It was a path-breaking book for comparing newer models of computers to human brains.  

    2. Maturation of Artificial Intelligence ( 1950-52)

    The brief period between 1950 to 1952 is regarded as the maturation period of artificial intelligence. In these years, notable progress was made in the expansion of AI. Now, a mere concept reached the experiments and practical application stage. 

    Key Dates 

    1950: The famous English mathematician Alan Turing pioneered Machine learning this year. He published a path-breaking book “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” and proposed a test. The test, which is called a “Turing Test” was meant to check the machine’s ability to display intelligent behavior similar to human intelligence. 

    1951: Marvin Minsky and Dean Edmonds, supported by John von Neumann, created the first neural network computer, which was known as SNARC. The concept worked similarly to reinforcement learning and mimicked a network of 40 neurons. 

    1952: Arthur Samuel, an American computer scientist, developed a program to play checkers. The program is believed to be the first ever to learn the game independently.

    3. The Birth of Artificial Intelligence (1955-1957)

    By that time, computer languages such as FORTRAN, LISP, or COBOL were already invented. Great enthusiasm was there for AI which ultimately led to the advance works in the domain. 

    Key Dates

    1955: The first artificial intelligence program was created this year by Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon. The program was named “Logic Theorist” and it could find more refined proofs for some Mathematics theories, apart from proving 38 out of 52 of them. 

    1956: American computer scientist John McCarthy organized the Dartmouth Conference where AI was marked as an academic field and the word “Artificial Intelligence” was coined for the first time.  

    1957: An early model of a neural network – the Perceptron – was invented by American psychologist Frank Rosenblatt.  

    4. The Golden Age of AI ( 1958 to 1979 ) 

    The period from 1958 to 1979 is generally assumed as the “Golden Age” of artificial intelligence (AI). During this period, AI researchers not only showed immense enthusiasm for the concept but also achieved great advancements. 

    Key Dates 

    1958: John McCarthy developed LISP which was the first programming language for AI research. 

    1961: A General Motors factory in New Jersey became the site where the first industrial robot, Unimate, was deployed. 

    1966: Joseph Weizenbaum developed ELIZA which was a chatbot capable of simulating human conversation. 

    1968: A new approach to AI was introduced by Soviet mathematician Alexey Ivakhnenko, which we now know as “Deep Learning.”

    1972: Alain Colmerauer and Robert Kowalski developed Prolog – a logic programming language essential for AI applications. 

    1979: James L Adamas created one of the first examples of autonomous vehicles and named it The Standford Cart. 

    5. AI Boom: 1980-1986

    The period between 1980 and 86 coincided with the AI boom. It witnessed huge interest and rapid growth in technology. More government funding poured into the sector leading to more cutting-edge research. 

    Key Dates

    1980: Expert systems started to enter the market with programs like XCON developed for configuring orders for computer systems.   

    1982: A new model of neural networks was proposed by John Hopfield. This new model was known as the Hopfield Network

    1985: At the AAAI conference, an autonomous drawing program, AARON, was demonstrated.

    1986: The first driverless car or robot car was created and demonstrated by Dickmann and his team at Bundeswehr University of Munich.

    6. The Emergence of Intelligent Agents (1993-2011)

    This period marked a leap forward in AI with greater interest and development works of intelligent computer programs. The focus shifted from matching human intelligence to creating advanced software for specific tasks. 

    Key Dates 

    1997: IBM developed a Deep Blue computer that beat the reigning world chess champion, Gary Kasparov, in a game of chess. In the same year, Windows launched speech recognition software.

    2000: Professor Cynthia Breazeal developed Kismet, an early emotional robot that could interact socially with humans.

    2002: The first Roomba was released – a robotic vacuum cleaner that used AI for cleaning without human intervention.

    2006: Popular social and streaming platforms started using AI as a part of their ad and UX algorithms. 

    2011: IBM created Watson ( an advanced NLP computer ) to answer questions and it won a televised Jeopardy against two former champions. In the same year, Apple launched Siri, the first popular virtual assistant. 

    7. Artificial General Intelligence: 2012-present

    The world is currently in the most advanced times of artificial intelligence technology. AI-powered tools are ruling the roost. The technology is used in search engines and virtual assistants with more emphasis on Big Data and Deep Learning. 

    Key Dates  

    2012: Google’s deep neural network marked a breakthrough in image recognition using deep learning as it was trained to recognize cats from YouTube videos. 

    2015: Top business and tech leaders showed concerns about AI misuse and called for ethical considerations with the use of the technology.  

    2016: DeepMind’s AlphaGo showed AI’s ability to handle complex problems when it defeated the world champion Lee Sedol in the game of Go. 

    2018: A language-processing AI tool in China beat human intellect on a Stanford reading and comprehension test.

    2021: The Dall-E multimodal AI system was unveiled by OpenAI which was capable of producing images based on textual prompts.

    2022: OpenAI launched ChatGPT which started offering a chat-oriented interface to its GPT-3.5 LLM.

    2023: Google DeepMind introduced AlphaTensor, an AI model solution that can help discover mathematical algorithms with Reinforcement Learning.

    2024: ChatGPT Enterprise by OpenAI was introduced to the world. 

    Types of Artificial Intelligence (AI)  

    AI has been categorized based on capabilities and functions. The categorization also considers whether AI can perform defined tasks, think like humans, and exceed human capability.   

    Let’s look at different types of artificial intelligence – 

    Based on Capabilities 

    Narrow AI (Weak AI) – This type of AI can only perform a narrow set of tasks such as facial recognition, internet searches, etc. It’s highly specialized and operates under a pre-defined range. 

    General AI (Strong AI) – It’s developed with human-like capabilities and can handle new tasks autonomously. This AI is based on a robust framework and can handle challenges without human intervention. 

    Superintelligent AI – It’s a futuristic concept of AI where machines could surpass human intelligence across all fields. 

    Based on Functionalities 

    Reactive Machines – They are the most basic types of artificial intelligence as they can’t store memories and neither can they store past experiences. These machines focus on current scenarios only and can’t rely on past information for future actions.  

    Limited Memory – Unlike reactive machines, they can store past data or experience for a brief period. They can use stored data for a limited period.  

    Theory of Mind – This type of AI machine does not exist but chances are they will be available over time as there is a great improvement in the field of artificial intelligence. If they did, they would understand human emotions and be able to interact like humans do. 

    Self-Aware AI – It’s a hypothetical concept and is considered the future of artificial intelligence. These machines will be incredibly intelligent, way smarter than the human mind. They will have their own consciousness and self-awareness.

    Advantages of AI 

    AI has tremendous potential and benefits that can give businesses an edge across industries. Today, companies use it in various aspects be it operations, sales, or marketing to improve efficiency and reduce cost. Implementing AI can help a business outperform competitors and reach targets faster. 

    Let’s look at some key advantages of AI – 

    Automation of Repetitive Tasks

    The use of AI is growing in the automation of routine and repetitive tasks across industry verticals. Many organizations leverage its potential to free up human resources and achieve efficiency across tasks. More so, it can decrease errors and lead to increased productivity. 

    Reduced Risks of Human Errors and Injuries 

    AI not only minimizes human errors but also eliminates risks associated with certain industrial tasks. Using AI can ensure consistent results with chances of mistakes next to the minimum. In certain industries, it can be used to perform dangerous tasks and prevent the risk of injury to humans. 

    24/7 Availability  

    Humans can’t work all through the day and night but machines with AI capabilities can do. Take, for example, websites using AI-powered chatbots can handle customer queries and requests on a 24×7 basis. They can serve customers any time of the day and night, therefore widening the ambit, reach, and productivity of the business.  

    Unbiased Decision Making 

    It’s natural for human biases to influence key decisions. If biases are dominant, they might hurt the outcome. In contrast, AI programs are trained using unbiased datasets, so they are not prone to biased decision-making. They can be used for balanced decision-making in various aspects. 

    Cost Savings

    AI can automate processes and this reduces dependencies on humans. Many companies today deploy AI tools and systems to improve operational efficiency and reduce labor costs. Whether sales, support, or operation, AI-driven systems can perform different tasks without human support, thereby ensuring cost savings. 

    Disadvantages of AI 

    AI is indeed a transformative technology with great potential for the world. However, its use has certain challenges and harms that need to be considered. Plus, the cost of development and implementation is also an area that can’t be ignored.  

    Let’s look at some disadvantages of AI –   

    Big Cost Involved  

    AI development is costly and the cost depends on what you want to achieve. In some cases, a fully implemented AI solution may cost millions. So, despite huge potential, the cost makes it out of reach for general purposes. However, the big cost is not a deterrent when you compare the results and benefits. 

    Lack of Originality  

    While AI excels at repetitive tasks, it fails to generate original ideas. You can program AI to create novel ideas but that nobility may lack shades of newness. Its biggest drawback is its inability to be creative in different situations. Lack of emotion is another issue with AI as it can’t make decisions based on emotional consequences or outcomes. 

    Lack Empathy

    AI lacks empathy. It can’t feel emotions in the way humans do. Since AI systems follow logic and patterns, they can’t think through the problems in an abstract manner. All this prevents AI solutions from developing empathy which can be a huge deterrent for tasks involving humans or teams. So, you can’t program kindness and consideration in machines as that happens through cultural depths.  

    Data Dependency

    Data dependency is one of the biggest drawbacks of AI. If the data is outdated, incomplete, or biased, AI’s decisions will reflect those shortcomings. This might cause unfair outcomes. No matter how advanced AI systems you use, it will be only as effective as the data you train them on. 

    Job Cuts 

    In recent months alone, many IT & software companies where AI is used have announced job cuts. And more AI-induced job cuts are on the way. Since AI can easily handle many tasks, it reduces dependencies on humans, leading to job cuts. Most professionals fear the potential of artificial intelligence as it can perform so many tasks with ease. And when a machine can do tasks efficiently, there will be heat on humans. 

    Ethical Concerns 

    The rapid growth and advancements of AI have led to widespread concerns about the ethics and security of personal data. Since AI tools or systems rely on data and information, what if they start accessing the data of a common person without consent? Similarly, concerns are raised about the use of AI in autonomous weapons and surveillance. 

    How Does AI Work?

    AI is a powerful technology that can learn from data and make decisions based on the patterns it identifies. The key to how AI works lies in its ability to process large amounts of data and perform a range of tasks – from natural language understanding to autonomous control. 

    In general, AI technology relies on various components to function. Including –  

    1. Data Collection

    For AI to work, engineers first need to collect data from various sources in the form of text, audio, videos, and more. The collected data then needs to be categorized based on what the algorithms can read and cannot. The protocol and criteria are created for which you need to use and process data for specific outcomes. 

    2. Data Preprocessing

    After the data is collected, engineers need to clean, evaluate, and correct it. The goal is to standardize the data. Labeling or annotation may also be a part of data preprocessing. This step is done to review and improve the data before feeding it into an AI model. 

    3. Model Selection  

    Selecting an AI model to train is the next step once the data is pre-processed. Since many different AI models are available, their selection will depend on the specific tasks to be performed. 

    While supervised learning models use human-labeled data, it’s the unlabelled data that is used with unsupervised learning models. Similarly, the AI is allowed to interact with its environment in the reinforcement learning models whereas a deep learning model relies on an artificial neural network. 

    4. Training the Model

    Engineers can start the training once the model is selected. In the training, the data is entered into the selected AI model. Based on the training, the AI model learns to identify patterns and execute calculations. The amount of data used and the type of model selected will determine the training time.  

    5. Testing and Evaluation

    The purpose of testing and evaluation is to check the AI model’s accuracy and precision. It will also help understand how well it’s working. During this stage, large data sets are tested, evaluated, and run through the newly trained AI model. 

    6. Model Optimization

    Testing outputs may not necessarily be on the expected lines all the time. Sometimes, trainers may notice errors in the form of poor data, biases, or AI’s inability to capture data patterns. These things indicate that the model is not effective yet and it needs further optimization. With model optimization, testers need to adjust nodes and neural layers of the model or update the AI algorithms.   

    7. Deployment

    Optimization can help improve the model’s outputs. When that happens, it suggests that the model is ready to be deployed. This is the stage where the AI model will be integrated into devices, apps, and systems. 

    Common Types of Artificial Neural Networks

    Various artificial neural networks (ANNs) exist, each with a unique structure and function. These networks act as the foundation for modern AI applications. Without them, artificial intelligence systems and tools would not be as effective as they are. 

    Here are common types of artificial neural networks – 

    Feedforward Neural Network 

    It’s a basic artificial neural network where data or input travels in a single direction. In this network, the data enters through the input layer and exits through the output layer. 

    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) 

    As the name suggests, these networks use convolutional layers to detect key features like textures or edges.  These networks are used in applications for image recognition, pattern recognition, and object detection.  

    Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) 

    The structure of recurrent neural networks has feedback loops that can store information similar to how memory works. These networks can do natural language processing, and speech recognition, and are ideal for operating command features on mobile devices.  

    Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFN) 

    These networks use radial basis functions for activation and are suitable for regression and classification problems. Unlike other neural networks, input layers of RBFNs perform no computations. They pass the data directly to the hidden layer and, therefore have a faster learning speed.    

    Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM) 

    These networks are unique as they can categorize data into short and long-term memory cells. They are also a special type of RNN for introducing gates to control memory flow and fix the issue of long-term dependency. LSTMs are effective for tasks like machine translation and speech recognition. 

    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) 

    Generative adversarial networks have two networks that compete with each other. Their main use is in image generation and data augmentation. GANs can generate new data sets having similar stats to the training set. 

    Examples of AI Technology 

    AI has grown so much that today it’s an essential part of our lives. You can see the use of this technology all around, be it on the website you use, the OTT programs you watch, or the mobile you use. 

    Let’s look at some examples of AI technology –  

    Virtual Assistants 

    Siri (Apple), Alexa (Amazon), Cortana (Microsoft), and Google Assistant are fine examples of virtual assistants leveraging the power of AI. These tools can understand and respond to voice commands, answer our queries, and control smart devices.   


    AI-powered chatbots have changed the way businesses engage and interact with their customers. These bots have programmed algorithms that enable machines to answer common queries, track orders, make calls, and automate tasks. REVE Chatbot for customer service is a good example of how to use AI technology to drive business growth.

    Maps and Navigation

    Today, navigation apps use artificial intelligence technology to provide an enhanced experience to users. Google and Apple Maps not only use GPS but also leverage AI to ensure better visuals on the map together with real-time data on traffic movements along routes. 

    Search Engines 

    Popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing use AI in their algorithms to refine searches and show better results without human intervention. Search results are more relevant and contextually driven compared to earlier times. 

    Self-Driving Cars 

    Without AI, there would be no driverless cars or vehicles. It’s the use of artificial intelligence that enables cars to interpret data and act swiftly. This technology in autonomous driving is key to capturing vast data points to ensure a safe ride for users. 

    Recommendation Systems 

    Popular streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon use AI-driven recommendation systems that guide viewers based on their habits and preferences. The systems can suggest favorite shows and products as part of personalized recommendations.   

    Language Learning Apps 

    Many popular language learning apps today use AI to enhance learning. These apps can provide personalized learning paths and practice sessions to students. Duolingo and Coursera are good examples of such apps that have redefined learning in a big way.   

    Online Shopping 

    Almost all popular online shopping platforms use AI to enhance customer experience in many ways. Shoppers can get recommendations based on past activity, track packages in real time, and get instant responses or support at each stage of the buying process. 


    Robots are frequently used in assembly lines to streamline production. Even the hospitality industry uses robots to serve customer orders and replace human workers. This technology is also used in space exploration with the Mars Rovers by NASA a good example of that.  

    AI Application Examples in Different Industries  

    AI continues to advance at a rapid rate. This advancement is resulting in innovation in various fields. More organizations have started leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to achieve efficiency and accuracy with operations. All this has opened new possibilities for businesses. 

    Here are the use cases of artificial intelligence in different fields – 


    The use of AI technology is growing in the healthcare industry for a variety of purposes and tasks including diagnosis, disease detection, and drug development. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are used to provide patient care, offer medication support, and track and monitor vital signs. Healthcare chatbots have added a new dimension to treatment and care.  


    Ecommerce sites are using AI technology to build recommendation engines to engage better with their customers. These engines are created by using the browsing history data of users, their interests, and preferences. Online stores use ecommerce chatbots and virtual assistants to improve the user experience and make the conversation as natural as possible.   

    Banking & Finance Sector 

    More banks and financial firms are using AI technology to vastly improve the delivery of financial services and boost customer service along the way. AI tools can detect fraud and anomalies in transactions by recognizing patterns. These tools are used for assessing credit scoring and marking customers based on the risk to the business. Sending information, assessing loan risks, and checking insurance coverage viability are some of the other tasks that AI-powered financial chatbots are doing with great ease. 


    AI can help automate admin tasks to assist educators in a big way. Artificial intelligence has made it possible to do digitization of content and enable rich learning experiences. More students are now accessing learning materials through voice assistants and that is reducing the involvement of teachers. More importantly, AI tools for education are being used to monitor students’ data, habits, and study guides, and all this is leading the way for personalized learning.  


    Marketers are leveraging AI to offer highly targeted and personalized ads to the target audience. They are also able to retarget audiences at the right time with the help of behavioral analysis, and pattern recognition. Artificial intelligence can help offer real-time personalization to users and optimize marketing campaigns to match the market’s specific needs. With the assistance of AI ad makers, marketers can effortlessly create and deploy hyper-personalized advertisements. 


    Most insurance companies now use AI tools to automate their work and optimize their risk profile. AI predictive analytics can prove very helpful for the industry to filter vast amounts of data and contribute to better decision-making. Insurers rely on AI algorithms to analyze historical data and assess risk more accurately. AI chatbots for insurance are also used a lot to handle routine customer queries and offer 24×7 support on matters related to the industry aspects.  

    Social Media 

    AI video generators are key for creating highly engaging and interactive marketing content. These are revolutionizing brands’ ability to engage with the target audience and adapt to market demands in real-time. This technology is also being used to handle routine marketing tasks like campaign reports, management, and much more.  

    Government Service Delivery  

    The public all over the world wants quick and efficient access to government services. This however is not possible due to reliance on conventional methods of service delivery. Chatbots can bridge this gap by ensuring seamless and automated accessibility to the public and enabling smooth communication between governments and the general public. For example, Mexico is empowering citizens by using the REVE government chatbot 

    Top 8 Popular AI Tools for Businesses 

    The advent of artificial intelligence technologies has opened up immense opportunities for businesses across industries. Today we have tons of AI-powered tools and software that can make business processes more efficient and help improve overall productivity. More importantly, some 8.4 billion AI-powered devices are projected in the world by the end of 2024, which will overtake the total global population.

    Here are some of the best artificial intelligence software and tools –  

    1. REVE Chatbot – Best AI Tool for Customer Service

    REVE Chatbot is an AI-powered that helps businesses automate customer interactions and drive engagement. This chatbot can be integrated with popular channels like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc to effectively engage customers across touchpoints. Key chatbot features of this popular tool include personalized conversations, multichannel engagement, and customer support automation. 

    2. Pictory – Best AI Tool for Video Generation

    This AI video generator can help you create and edit high-quality videos without any prior experience in video design or editing. It just needs a script and then the rest gets done quickly. You can see your blog post get converted into an engaging video which you can use for your website or for social media.  

    3. Murf – Best AI Tool for Voice Generation

    Murf is a top AI voice generator that can help you convert text to speech, voice-overs, and dictations. By using this powerful tool, you can easily create high-quality natural-sounding voices and also choose from a variety of voices.  

    4. Synthesys – Best AI Tool for Video Editing

     This tool is among the best when it comes to enhancing your video content in a quick time. It uses a unique Text-to-Video (TTV) technology to convert scripts into engaging media presentations. It has lip-syncing AI video technology and helps you type a script in one of 140+ available languages.

    5. Fireflies – Best AI Tool for Meeting Assistance 

    It’s an AI-powered meeting assistant tool that does away the need for note-taking during a meeting. It uses NLP and makes it easy to record meetings across platforms. Using this tool, you can easily transcribe live meetings or audio and make meetings a seamless process. 

    6. Feathery – Best AI Tool for Form Building

    This artificial intelligence tool is very helpful as it helps users build highly customizable forms without coding. The advanced form builder it uses can help with a variety of form flows such as signups, onboarding, and more. Plus, its fully flexible 2D visual editor can help create custom layouts and content.  

    7. Neuraltext – Best AI Tool for Writing Assistance 

    This tool can use the power of artificial intelligence and cover the entire content process, right from ideation to execution. It has a tool for copywriting and key research. Using this tool, you can not only create quality content but also use the data from pages that are already ranking on Google.

    8. Appy Pie – Best AI Tool for Image Generation

    Appy Pie’s AI Image Generator is a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence tool designed to create captivating visuals for various purposes effortlessly. Whether you’re crafting engaging social media posts, enhancing your website’s imagery, or refining your marketing materials, Appy Pie’s AI Image Generator is your go-to solution.

    What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?  

    Artificial general intelligence refers to a type of artificial intelligence that can learn, think, and act like humans do. It’s a hypothetical form of AI which is yet to be created. While AGI is still theoretical, it’s often touted as the next big breakthrough in AI research.  

    AGI is also termed as strong AI or general AI with the potential or capability to solve various tasks using generalized human cognitive abilities. In contrast to weak or narrow AI, which can perform only specialized tasks, AGI is often believed to autonomously solve a variety of complex problems across parameters. 

    AGI would be powerful to the extent of going beyond a set of pre-determined scenarios and solving a problem. It would lead to AI systems and tools that possess autonomous self-control and the ability to acquire new skills. 

    Key characteristics of AGI – 

    • Generalization ability: AGI can adapt to new situations effectively. 
    • Common sense knowledge: It can reason and make decisions based on the vast knowledge about the world and its constituents. 
    • Versatility: Not limited to specific domains or functions, and can handle tasks across fields. 
    • Self-Learning: Can learn new skills without the help of programming. 
    • Autonomy: AGI can function independently and make decisions without prior context awareness. 

    AI vs AGI – What are the Differences?

    We know AI (Artificial Intelligence), also termed narrow AI or weak AI, has limited capabilities and is best suited to perform specific tasks. On the other hand, AGI, also termed strong AI, represents a broader, human-like intelligence with the ability to perform any intellectual task that humans can do.   

    Let’s look at some key differences between artificial intelligence and artificial general intelligence – 

    AI ( Artificial Intelligence )

    AGI ( Artificial General Intelligence)

    Available for general use across industries 

    Still not developed

    Limited scope and ideal for specific, pre-determined tasks

    Can learn, think, and act like humans

    Dependent on task-specific data and training

    Can learn autonomously 

    Can solve only predefined problems, not abstract ones 

    Capable of solving abstract problems requiring high-level human intellect 

    Can’t make decisions beyond programmed rules 

    Can use reasoning in making decisions 

    Not fit for automating tasks requiring creativity 

    Suitable for automating tasks requiring creativity 

    Can’t switch between fields 

    Can switch between fields like humans do

    Needs to be optimized for new tasks

    Can learn and adapt on own

    Suitable for basic communication 

    Can do human-like communication 



    Artificial Intelligence Training Models

    Trained AI systems can perform specific tasks. They do so by learning patterns from data. The models used for training are algorithms or architectures that form the backbone of various AI-powered applications. These AI training models can have unique learning approaches.  

    Here are some of artificial intelligence (AI) training models – 

    Deep Neural Networks 

    They resemble the structure and function of the human brain. These networks have interlinked nodes and neurons where inputs are processed from one neuron to the next. They can learn complex patterns from data due to the multiple hidden layers between the layers. 

    Linear Regression

    It’s a simple and widely used AI training model for predicting continuous outcomes. It’s a model that assumes a linear relationship between the input and output. A sales forecast based on previous data is a good example of the linear regression model.    

    Logistic Regression

    It’s an effective model for binary situations. It can predict the probability of a categorical outcome. A finance application that decides whether an applicant should get a loan approved or not is a good use case of the logistic regression model. 

    Decision Trees

    They are a powerful AI learning model for both regression and classification tasks. Decision trees work very similarly to how nodes do in flowcharts. As the name suggests, this model has a tree-like structure where the data is split into subsets for making decisions. 

    Random Forest

    It’s an AI training model that is used to improve the prediction accuracy of outputs. In this model, multiple decision trees are created and their outputs are combined. Each decision tree is trained on a different set of data and their predictions are aggregated. 

    Supervised Learning 

    This AI model is trained using labeled data. Similarly, only defined parameters and established training data sets are used to train the mode. The trained model can then make predictions by generalizing the patterns.  

    Unsupervised Learning

    In this AI mode, the algorithm is trained using unlabeled data. It lacks predefined labels to power its learning process. This model is helpful for scenarios where data is available in large quantities without clear guidance on the outcome. 

    Reinforcement Learning

    Reinforcement Learning is an AI training model that learns from the consequences of actions. It has a wide range of applications including game-playing and robotics. This training model focuses on teaching agents in a way that helps them make decisions by interacting with an environment.  

    Semi-Supervised Learning

    It’s a powerful AI training model that uses principles of both supervised and unsupervised learning. It first trains the model of a small group of labeled data sets and then uses unlabeled data sets to refine patterns. A text-classifying model is an example use case for this type of learning model. 

    Generative Models

    ChatGPT is an example use case of a generative model. This model uses very large data sets to create an output. In this model, data is not classified in the output as an original output is created using thousands of pieces of example data.   

    Strong AI Vs. Weak AI 

    Intelligence is never easy to define but experts have categorized artificial intelligence into strong and weak AI. This classification is purely based on the capabilities and limitations that AI possesses or lacks. 

    Let’s understand both of them in more detail – 

    Strong AI 

    This type of AI does not exist, at least till now. If it existed, it would solve even those problems it’s been never trained to work on. It means it could do all that we humans do. Naturally, strong AI ( also known as artificial general intelligence) would do much like a human once it came into force. We have seen its potential in many movies but scientists are not yet able to create a machine with optimum human-like intelligence. 

    Weak AI 

    Siri and Alexa are examples of weak AI. All those self-driving cars that are being promoted also run on this AI. Obviously, weak or narrow AI works within a limited context and can do a single task extremely well, but not all tasks. The machines based on this type of artificial intelligence are a human intelligence simulation and are not as powerful as strong AI could be.  

    Differences Among AI, Machine Learning & Deep Learning 

    These days, we frequently hear about the terms artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. They are trending like anything, but there are some misconceptions about them as well. Many experts rightly believe that artificial intelligence is an umbrella term under which machine learning (ML) falls, and they also believe that deep learning falls under ML.  


    Let us analyze the differences between AI, machine learning, and deep learning in the table below – 


    AI ( Artificial Intelligence) 

    ML ( Machine Learning)

    Deep Learning (DL)

    AI is the broader family with ML and DL as its constituents. 

    It’s the subset of AI.

    It’s the subset of ML.

    A process of programming data, information, and human intelligence into machines. 

    A field of AI that uses computer algorithms and analytics to build predictive models. 

    A field of machine learning that deals with algorithms and neural networks to imitate functionality like a human brain. 

    Includes all intelligent systems or programs that can reason, act and adapt.

    Is based on algorithms whose performance improves through data. 

    Has multilayered neural networks that learn from vast amounts of data.

    AI systems can be data-powered, rule-based, or knowledge-based

    Algorithms learn by trial and error 

    DL networks has interconnected neurons that process data in a hierarchical manner 

    NLP, decision trees, and rule-based systems are key techniques of AI. 

    Supervised and unsupervised learning is a key technique of ML. 

    Neural networks are a key technique of DL. 

    The efficiency of AI relies on the efficiency provided by ML and DL respectively.

    It’s less efficient than DL as it can’t work for a large quantity of amounts of data.

    It can easily work for larger sets of data, making it more powerful than ML. 

    Training time is lowered compared to ML and DL.

    Training time is longer and depends on dataset size and algorithm 

    Training time is the longest among the three 

    Needs limited data to work. 

    Needs structured data to work.

    Needs a large amount of data to work. 

    Use cases include chatbots and virtual assistants.

    Use cases include recommendation engines.

    Use cases include self-driving cars. 


    Augmented Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence

    These technologies may sound similar, but they’re not. Quite a few differences exist between both of them, at the concept and execution levels. While artificial intelligence systems can perform tasks autonomously, augmented intelligence is designed to work alongside humans. The development of augmented intelligence is to help humans become more efficient and effective through tools and information. 

    Here are the key differences between augmented and artificial intelligence – 

    • While artificial intelligence concerns itself with the intelligence displayed by machines, augmented intelligence technology aims to help people improve their intelligence and decision-making skills. 
    • AI is designed and developed to automate tasks requiring human intelligence while augmented intelligence is designed to enhance rather than replace human intelligence.  
    • AI systems and tools are programmed to make decisions on their own whereas augmented intelligence supports decision-making with AI-driven insights and recommendations. 
    • The key focus of AI is to learn without human input whereas augmented intelligence is more oriented towards human-AI collaboration.  
    • While artificial intelligence can create intelligent tools, agents, and virtual assistants, augmented intelligence enhances human capabilities. 
    •  While both can analyze data, AI works by identifying patterns whereas augmented intelligence enables data and information for improved decision-making.  

    The Rise of Generative AI

    The rise of generative AI is a big stride forward in the long journey of the tech revolution worldwide. It has been labeled as the next frontier for various industries, from tech to transportation, banking, healthcare, and so on. In fact, generative AI is already in use for tasks as varied as content creation and data analysis. More so, the rise of generative AI comes with big implications for the way we work.  

    When we talk about the growth and rise of generative AI, we mean the rapid adoption of AI tools and systems that can create original content of various forms, including text, images, videos, and music. Generative AI is way more advanced than traditional AI-powered tools that follow pre-defined rules and patterns.  

    Generative AI models use advanced machine learning techniques to create content through the data programmed into them. So, by definition, a generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can produce original content or data through ML algorithms. It can produce outputs that may be similar to ( or even unique) human-created content. 

    Key Factors Behind the Rise of Generative AI

    Easy availability of generative AI tools – In the last three years, generative AI tools have become easily available to everyone, including the general public. The release of tools like ChatGPT has ensured a big rise of generative AI globally in a short period. 

    Incredible advancements in machine learning – The rise of generative AI coincides with the unparalleled advancements in machine learning algorithms. The AI of today can learn patterns from large datasets due to the power of neural networks, resulting in the ability to create content of various forms. 

    Access to vast datasets – Generative AI models would not be able to generate content if it were not for quick and easy access to vast datasets. With so much data available, training generative AI models has become easier. This leads to a big improvement in the quality of generated content.  

    Advances in hardware – Today, graphics processing units (GPUs) are very advanced and powerful. The same is true about tensor processing units (TPUs). Both collectively ensure exponential growth in the computational power of AI systems and tools.  

    Benefits of Generative AI 

    • Automation of repetitive tasks – Generative AI is powerful and can automate many routine, everyday, and repetitive tasks that once required human help. This can free up time and effort for human force and businesses can better utilize these resources for other more important tasks. 
    • Increased efficiency and speed –  Generative AI is capable of processing and analyzing large sets of data faster than humans. It can therefore produce outputs in real quick time. This is how a business can hope to increase the speed and efficiency of various processes.  
    • Consistency in tasks – The risk of human error can be reduced to a great extent with the use of generative AI. It can thus greatly improve the reliability of results or outputs. This technology is therefore helpful for performing tasks more accurately and consistently.  
    • Cost savings – The need for human intervention is greatly reduced when generative AI is used for producing content or performing other similar tasks. This can help businesses save a considerable amount of money that would otherwise be used by humans.  

    Future of AI

    In 1996, a game of chess became a watershed moment in the development journey of artificial intelligence technology. It also gave a peek into the future of AI, although a tiny one. 

    In this game, a chess computer was playing against the reigning world champion and perhaps the best-ever chess player in the world in a proper tournament-rule match. IBM’s Deep Blue computer and Russian Grandmaster Gary Kasparov faced off in a highly publicized game of chess. People were curious to know whether a computer could outthink and outsmart humans. They had doubts though as Kasparov had defeated the same computer five years earlier in 1989. 

    All the doubts were laid to rest that day when the chess computer emerged victorious as unlike five years earlier, it was immensely more powerful through advanced algorithms and computing power. This event highlighted how machines were capable of outperforming humans in complex cognitive tasks. It also heralded the potential for AI systems to not only challenge but surpass humans in various fields.  

    Cut the present – 

    • AI is now a breakthrough technology that can mimic human abilities by using machines and algorithms. 
    • The recent advances in machine learning and deep learning have taken AI into the mainstream and made it a vital aspect of our everyday life. 
    • AI-driven content creation at scale is dominating industries with systems offering product recommendations and handling advertisements. 
    • AI-powered chatbots are automating tasks, handling routine inquiries, and providing real-time assistance to customers. 
    • The use of AI-powered robots and intelligent systems has ensured more efficient product lines in the manufacturing industry. 
    • Entertainment is refined with the use of voice recognition devices such as Alexa and Netflix’s recommendation engines.    
    • Driverless cars and other autonomous vehicles are slowly making their way into our lives 
    • Modern generative AI systems like ChatGPT 4, Dall-E, and Midjourney are adding new dimensions to content generation tasks.  

    But what the future holds? 

    Let’s dive in and understand the future of AI in detail – 

    1. Workforce Transformation  

    In the coming years, AI will lead to automation in more areas, industries, and sectors. Repetitive tasks will no longer be handled by humans and rather AI software and tools will do that. This will impact a lot of industries and people associated with automation. Workers whose works involve automation may need to upskill and gradually transition to new roles. 

    2. Increased Engagements with Organizations 

    Common people will feel more empowered in terms of their engagement with large institutions. Unlike earlier times, now big businesses may be forced to implement AI in various aspects including their public-facing activities. This will increase the way the common public will engage with organizations. 

    3. More Frequent AI-Assisted Diagnostic and Surgeries  

    AI will have a huge impact on healthcare. It will spur the growth of personalized healthcare. In the next few years, AI will be used more often to predict disease risks and recommend tailored treatments. What’s more, surgeons will take the help of AI-powered robots to perform highly complex surgeries with reduced risks and increased accuracy.  

    4. More Dangers to Safeguarding Privacy   

    The days are not far when AI systems and tools will know about us more than we do. When that happens, protecting privacy will be harder than it’s ever been before. With so much of our personal data available on the web, there will be no surprise if more powerful algorithms can analyze those data and put our privacy in danger.  

    5. Reshaping The Future of Storytelling  

    AI-created content is already disrupting various fields like entertainment, arts, and design. In the future, humans will collaborate with these generative AI innovations and this will push the creative boundaries manifold. Similarly, a massive shift will happen in the way storytelling is done as there will be more blending of AI content and human creativity.  

    6. Implementation of More Stringent AI Laws 

    The regulatory environment will become tougher for organizations using, or misusing AI. In the coming years, the government will put more emphasis on regulating the deployment of AI. We will witness new AI laws and regulations to protect the interests of mankind from the inherent dangers and vast potential of artificial intelligence.   

    7. Hyper-Personalization in Customer Service  

    Hyper-personalization will be a key focus in customer service. Buoyed by AI, businesses will put more emphasis on ensuring seamless omnichannel support to their customers. Artificial intelligence will become more advanced and it can proactively assess customer needs and prevent issues to customers before they become pain points. More natural, emotionally intelligent interactions will dominate the landscape of customer service.  

    AI Challenges and Risks

    AI continues to grow and expand at a rapid rate. It’s gradually becoming more sophisticated and widespread. In some cases, AI tools and machines now even outsmart humans and there lies the risk. Many voices are raised against the potential risks and challenges of artificial intelligence.

    Let’s look at some potential AI challenges and risks – 

    Bias in AI

    AI is extremely prone to biases. This happens because AI systems learn from data and if the data is biased, the impact might permeate into the outcomes. The bias in AI could lead to a lack of fairness in the tasks they are used for. Critical areas like hiring, law enforcement, loan approvals, etc might be plagued with substandard outcomes if the AI is trained on biased data.  

    Lack of Transparency 

    AI models are difficult to understand. Even experts working with the technology fail to understand how and why AI draws a conclusion and fetches outcomes. There is a lack of transparency on what data AI algorithms use. All this adds to the list of risks associated with artificial intelligence and its rise.   

    Privacy Concerns

    As AI systems grow, privacy concerns also come into more focus than ever before. The real problem lies with those AI tools that deal with personal data like those in finance, healthcare, and so on. Given the sensitive nature of the data, the chances of potential misuse will always be higher with them. 

    Legal Liability

    AI systems have become very advanced and they present a potential liability issue. The real challenges come where culpability needs to be determined. It will not be easy to establish culpability when AI tools may cause harm. Legal systems across the world are facing this challenge and it’s sure to cause major headaches for authorities worldwide.  

    Job Displacement

    Job cuts are among the major challenges and worries that AI poses today. With more industries and tasks influenced by automation, job displacement will be a growing concern across industries. Some industries like customer service, manufacturing, etc will set more heat as automation has more opportunities there.   

    Social Manipulation 

    Many political parties today rely on social media and AI tools to strengthen their outreach programs and connect with the voters. While there is no harm in using technology to connect and engage, the problem will happen when the powers of artificial intelligence are misused to serve dubious purposes. Cases are reported where political parties share misinformation and leverage false news for their interest.  

    Ethical Use of AI 

    Artificial intelligence is a truly revolutionary technology that has reshaped many aspects of our lives. It has huge potential and it’s where the risks lie. If AI is not used sensibly, it might lead to harm to the society and world at large. Ethics should be the overdriving goal when using this amazing technology. 

    Let’s look at how we can promote and encourage the ethical use of AI – 

    Spread education and awareness about AI – Organizations should communicate with people about the risks, rewards, and challenges of artificial intelligence. They should show openness in divulging the use and purpose of AI. The focus should be on using this technology within ethical boundaries so that harm can be avoided. 

    Be transparent about the use of AI – Every organization that uses AI in any form should be transparent about the dimensions of the uses. The key is to stay open and honest about what data is collected, how that data is used, and how all that can benefit end users.  

    Avoid using biased data – We know the outcomes of AI reflect the data it’s trained on. If the data has biases, the results will also be full of errors and discrimination. To avoid that, make sure you are not using biased data. Rather, you should create better data sets for unique outcomes.

    Treat all individuals equitably – AI systems should be developed and designed so that they don’t cause discrimination based on age, gender, race, or other human traits. The goal must be to treat all persons equitably by using diverse data sets without biases. 

    Augment human capabilities – The powers of AI should be used to align with human values. The key is to avoid lacing AI with so much power that it fails to involve humans in decision-making processes. If technology can’t augment human capabilities, how can it be helpful for the world?   

    AI Governance and Regulations

    The tremendous advancements and proliferation of artificial intelligence systems have increased the risks and challenges for the world. The key concerns hover around how the technology is used and also around the transparency in the functioning of AI-powered systems. Voices are also raised about the way AI uses data for training, issues of biases, privacy violations, and security risks. In the midst of all this, the need is felt for strong AI governance and regulations to keep a check on the potential harms of the technology. 

    Let’s look at certain key aspects of AI governance and regulations –  

    Emergence of Policy Frameworks for AI Use 

    Governments all over the world are worried about the unabated growth of AI and the inherent risks associated with the technology. So, there is more focus on drafting policy frameworks for AI use. The goal is to align all the AI developments and advancements to the ethical boundaries with accountability set for harm. Policy frameworks will ensure that AI systems abide by the existing rules and laws like GDPR in collecting, storing, and processing data. The drafting of new policies is done to stop AI from causing biases and discrimination in the outputs.

    Focus on Transparency of AI Output 

    Lack of transparency is a big issue today with how AI tools and systems work. Even those working with the technology are not sure about the outputs in certain situations. This is a big challenge and that’s why regulators now seek clarity of AI output. Strict rules are being framed to ensure fairness to users with the engagement of AI. From now on, users must be informed about the limitations and capabilities of the system they engage with.  

    Technical Robustness and Safety 

    Regulators are keen to minimize the unintended harms of AI by ensuring the systems are robust. They seek to ensure that AI systems work as expected and remain stable. There should also be attempts to stop any manipulation of the system by dubious third parties. Rectifying user errors should be a top priority for these tools. The main focus should be on ensuring the total safety of end users with no harm to their interests whatsoever with the use of AI systems.   

    Creation of Unified Standards 

    AI continues to grow at a huge rate and impact businesses and societies across the globe. With the impacts of AI crossing geographical boundaries, the need is felt for global-level cooperation and the creation of unified standards. The work is carried out on the implementation of AI ethics guidelines through the collaboration of international bodies like the United Nations and the European Union. Soon, a comprehensive AI act will come into existence having regulatory frameworks imposed on high-risk AI systems.  

    Laws Regarding Intellectual Property Rights (IP)

    The way generative AI has reshaped the contours of content creation is something that is posing a big headache for regulators. As of now, there is no concrete laws safeguarding the IP rights of AI-generated content. This however will change soon as regulators all over the world on looking to address this important issue about the ownership and protection of AI-powered innovations. The laws are on the way to establishing authorship rights of contents of any form. 

    Final Thoughts  

    Artificial intelligence has grown tremendously in the 21st century to now become a key aspect of our daily lives. Today, it’s a path-breaking technology that is reshaping the world and influencing humanity in many ways. Many industries are benefitting from it as it can perform even those tasks associated with human cognitive functions. 

    We see different types of artificial intelligence such as Strong AI, Weak AI, General AI, etc contributing to the world in their own unique ways. At the same time, the advantages of AI exceed beyond our imagination as organizations can use it to improve efficiency and reduce costs.  

    While advantages are many, AI is also not without its share of disadvantages and the major ones include high costs, lack of originality, data dependency, job cuts, biases, etc. Businesses should better understand how AI works where the main focus is on learning from data and making decisions based on the pattern it identifies.  

    It’s equally important to know how various common types of artificial neural networks exist that work as the foundation for modern AI applications. We can also see examples of AI technology in the form of virtual assistants, chatbots, driverless cars, maps, search engines, etc.  

    AI advancement is also causing innovation in various fields. More organizations use its power to achieve efficiency and accuracy with operations. When we analyze the use cases of artificial intelligence across healthcare, ecommerce, retail, banking, and other sectors, we can realize how the world is benefiting from its advancements. 

    At REVE Chat, we understand the great powers of AI chatbots and how they can add immense value to customer engagement and interactions. You can leverage this powerful technology and transform the way you connect with your customers across channels and touchpoints.  

    Sign up now and understand how AI tools and chatbots from REVE Chat can add great value to your business. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    In simple words, artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in machines. Or, AI is the ability of a computer or robot to perform tasks that are associated with human beings. The main idea behind this technology is to program machines or systems to act, think, learn, see like humans, and have problem-solving capabilities. AI can understand language, recognize patterns, and perform repetitive tasks across industries.

    AI can be used for wide-ranging tasks. These tasks can range from simple to repetitive to complex. It can also perform cognitive tasks that require human intelligence. From providing customer support to automating ads, and diagnosing diseases to resolving issues in real-time, AI can be used for everything. Every industry has some scope for AI in one form or another, and this makes it a very useful technology.

    AI has different types, including - 1.Narrow AI (Weak AI) 2.General AI (Strong AI) 3.Superintelligent AI 4.Reactive Machines 5.Limited Memory 6.Theory of Mind 7.Self-Aware AI

    There are many key advantages of AI, including - 1.Automation of routine and repetitive tasks across industry verticals 2.Minimization of human errors from routine tasks to improve productivity 3.Elimination of risks linked with certain industrial tasks that are deemed dangerous for humans 4.Ability to work round the clock on a 24x7 basis and improve the productivity of the business 5.Balanced decision-making by removing human bises through training on unbiased datasets 6.Tasks completed without human support, leading to cost savings

    American computer scientist John McCarthy is considered the father of AI. He was the person who coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" in 1956. Apart from that, he is credited with having organized the pioneering “Dartmouth Conference”, which is regarded by experts as the foundational event in the history of AI. Mr. McCarthy is also credited with the development of the primary language for AI research, the LISP programming language.

    Presently, artificial intelligence and its advancements are faced with a variety of challenges, and the major ones include - 1.Concerns around data privacy 2.Security risks 3.Hallucinations 4.Biased algorithms 5.Random outcomes leading to a lack of explainability 6.Lack of ethical considerations

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    Praveen Singh

    Praveen Singh is a content marketer, blogger, and professional with 15 years of passion for ideas, stats, and insights into customers. An MBA Graduate in marketing and a researcher by disposition, he has a knack for everything related to customer engagement and customer happiness.

    As a writer and analyst, he pours the heart out on a blog that is informative, detailed, and often digs deep into the heart of customer psychology. He’s written extensively on a range of topics including, marketing, AI chatbots, omnichannel messaging platforms, and many more.

    Mr. Singh also has a passion for subjects that excite new-age customers, be it social media engagement, artificial intelligence, machine learning. He takes great pride in his learning-filled journey of adding value to the industry through consistent research, analysis, and sharing of customer-driven ideas.

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