Telegram Messenger Live Chat Integration

What is Telegram?

Telegram is a cloud-based messaging application that securely routes all communications through encrypted servers in the cloud. Telegram messaging app integration offers the opportunity to expand your customer service experience through instant messaging between Telegram and REVE Chat dashboard.  It helps to open up a new channel of communication which encourage you to show your users that you are available for them.   

Telegram messaging app supports every platform across mobile (Apple IOS, Microsoft Windows and Ubuntu) and desktop (macOS, Windows and Linux). It also offers number of features like creating channels where you can broadcast your message, API integration, powerful sharing process of any type of content (.DOC, .MP3, .ZIP, etc.), and more.

Benefits of REVE Chat Integration with Telegram

  • Manage your customer queries coming from Telegram messenger from REVE Chat dashboard.
  • Allow different businesses to send confirmation of sales, updated and more information direct to customers via telegram app.
  • Engage with your Telegram messenger users with feature rich messaging experience in different file formats like .DOC, .MP4, .ZIP, .PDF etc.
  • Increase your team productivity by managing multiple channels including Telegram from one platform.

To Integrate REVE Chat with Telegram Please Follow the Below Steps

  1. Login into REVE chat Dashboard
  2. Go to Integrations > Telegram
  3. Enter your Telegram bot token you have received from @BotFather


  1. Then click on Connect with telegram button to add your telegram bot.


  1. To stop getting messages via telegram, remove your bot from added list.
  2. Select bot’s and click on Delete.


How Messaging with Visitor Happens

  1. Visitors who have telegram account can message any of your bots you have added in dashboard.
  2. The messages will be routed to dashboard agents who has/have registered those bots in their dashboard.
  3. Visitors can easily find those messaging medias(bots) by searching in search box of telegram app.


This whole telegram messaging app integration process gives your business a different way to easily talk to your customer with various benefits like increase sales, customer satisfaction, simplified team communication, encourage agents to collaborate on customer conversations and more.

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